Page 178 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 178


               teaching methods were held and resulted In a distinct
               Improvement In the standard of teaching.
                    Girls* Section

 I                  Progress was satisfactory and there was an Increase
               In the number of students. During the year the schools

               arranged entertainments In aid of the Persian Gulf Fighter
               Fund and of local orphans and poor students.
                    Technical Section

                    The new Technical School was completed during the
              year and good progress was maintained under the direction
              of the Principal, Mr. Hutching3, who visited India early
              in the year and purchased equipment to the value of

              Rs.25,000/. The first batch of five students from Kuwait
              completed their training and returned to Kuwait. Three
              Bahrain students left the school during the year to take
              up an advanced engineering apprenticeship with the Bahrain

              Petroleum Company. The number of students in the school
              was 55.
                   The following statistics are of interest
              Number of schools in existence on 1st January 1942         13
              Number of schools opened during 1942                      Nil
              Number of schools closed during 1942                      Nil
              Number of students on the rolls on 1st January 1942      1946
             Number of students on the rolls on 31st December
                                                                1942   2168
             Number of teachers on the rolls on 1st January 1942         90
             Number of teachers on the rolls on 31st December
                                                                1942    102
             17. The Bahrain Petroleum Company Limited
                   (i) Chief Local Representative

                   Ur. M.H. Mpp was General Manager and also Chief
             Local Representative from the beginning of the year until
             the 21st March when he proceeded on leave*      Mr. Ward P.
             Anderson was appointed In his place on the 26th March 1942

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