Page 223 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 223
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of Mo blma baing opont either In Dhofar or in Indio. Owing
to the reduation In mall etewner oervioee, ifticoat won for lengthy
periodo without mail oommunioation with India. A loouet mission
fran India vitd ted the patineh Coast and the neighbourhood of
It would be agreeable to record that the British
military author itiee, who had provided eo many oompli oat lone
during this year for their civilian confreres had been oonsletent-
ly considerate end cooperative but thie far from the case*
The Commander in Chief was generally helpful and sympathetic but
unfortunately there were several changes and the post remained
vacant for long periode. In roost cases the difficulties arose
through officers in Baghdad and Baora controlling wide areas
about which they laiew nothing whatever, and the deplorable
muddle in the lightering arrangements at Vanirah Island was a
case in point, 7hia eventually led to bloodshed, and political
action rrae necessary, 3n the sphere of intelligence the traffic
wc.a strictly one-way. Although the political officers in the
Gulf supplied their military with all the information
at their disposal throughout the year, the reverse was not the
case, and important documents such as the report on the capture
of the German agent 22vyar were withheld from this Residency*
Through tbs courts ay of the Senior K&val officer I was able to
peruse a portion of this, and was interested to tee that ha had
stated In a coamanicat!on to his superiors that #There la-not a
single Englishman between Buehirt and Bandar Abbas•• Oils vital
information, ifoioh had an obvious interest for tbs political
authorities was not communicated, and was only gleaned long
after the events at Jaek had takm