Page 235 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 235

                    8UKKARY 0? FT-CHT3 AUD C0WDITI0H8 IM


               In tho summary for 1942, the population of Shiraz was stated
           to bo about 100,000 at the end of thut year* According to recent
          figure* supplied by the I'unlclpallty however, the population is
           reckoned as having been 131,673 at that time and 141,437 at the
           end of 194-3. The discrepancy is probably due to a different area
          having been taken 'as basis. The main point is that there was an
           increase of almost ten thousand during the year.
          g1?r.CONS1?!/-T*. SFTRA7,m

              Hr. T.Y. Brenan remained, in charge until October 16th. when
          IT. A.J.Oardener, al30 of I!.!'.Consular Service, took over. L'ajcr
          R.G.F.Gchcmberg wao Consular Liaison Officer for the collection
          of grain, from the beginning of January until February 5th.
           I'ajor R.Jackcon, R.A.3.C. took over from Squadron Leader R.J.i).
           Balgrave R,A.?, the duties of Area Liaison ufflcer on February 6th.
           Colonel V,9.Robert, U.C.        Burma Frontier Service, returned
           to Shiraz on February 20th. and took over the duties of Consular
           Liaison Officer which he continued to perform, as well as hi3 other
           titles es Senior LiaisonnOtffleer, until he left for India on
          !*ovember GOth.

              Soon after his arrival in Shiraz on Feb. GOth. Colonel Robert
           v:3 introduced to Slpahbod Shahbakhtl a3 Senior Liaison Officer
          b*t.7cen the latter and the Ccr.-ander in Chief, Paiforce. He was
           Jclned later by . ajor Humphries, Captain Lvar.s, Lieutenant
           (after,vards .''ajor) Fowler, and by a clerical una signals otaff.
           Sajor Humphries ana Captain Hvans left on dept. 11th. and Captain
           LHenry arrived from Isfahan on Nov. 4th. Jr.en Colonel Robert
           left for India on Hov. 20th. - ajor -ov/ler remained in charge of
           *.‘u r.iooion pending its winding up, whloh was in progress at the
           *nd of the year.
           L^sian affinistratiou.
              On Feb. 14th. Slpahbod Shahbakhtl arrived In Shiraz to take
           wer command of the newly created Forces of the 3outh, and to
           Kplace Prince Firouz as Governor General of Fars. The latter
           lift for Tehran, and his concurrent post of Commander of the
           *lsth (Southern) Blvioion was taken over by Sartip Siahpush.
           hrhong Farrculih become Chief of Staff to General ShUhhkkhti, and
           ^ his death in Hay was euccocdod by Sarhong Dedaltan, who was
           ^placed in June by Sarhang Gulehayan.
               Sepbabod Shahbakhti loft for Tehran on July 10th. and did
             return. He wao succeeded as G.O.C. by General Jehanbani, who
           Jrrlved in Shiraz on August 7th., and as Governor General of Fars
           J Qawcm ul Hulk, who arrived on August 12th. At the same time
           -ip Wosrat Khowjoh Nouri was appointed deputy Governor General
              on the abolition of the post of Fartnandar of Shiraz Diotricf,
           Hfpour x,,arcoi left for Tehran.
              On September 27th. Qawcm ul Uulk loft for Tehran end for the
              of tho year WG3 an cboontoe. Sartip Siapuch wc.□ recalled on
            '}• 2Gth. end replace! go Ccamsnder of the Cixth Division hy
                 Eck?C3i tlio fced cc:::e to Chiraa with Gonoral Jckcr.bani. In
           /*- October* car hang tlucboli became Chief of Staff to tho Sou them
            ?"3, and hio placo go Chief of Divisional Staff wao taken by
             • -T.T l-ajliol.
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