Page 240 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 240
*Jp to thla tim«, only the Uhlr«nc-l8f*han road wee In danger.
farlPI August, however, inoidente on the Burhire road heam* lncrcee-
fMquestf nod In the-first half of dept, there wore often
Hewer#! attaoka ft day on the nnln roafl. Tha'areft' chiefly aff«c-
jU4 Wftft between l>aaht-l-*VrJin and Uhibil Chnoaoh, end, the raidnra
Mr« btldrtd to be :>olr Ahnedi. The irinolpftV target® for
&je-./*$t£e)cera ore lorrieo currying, cr believed to b« carrying,
ief an<4 'ftugori but Anglo-Zronloa Oil Company tankers were
Utft«>;td o» roro than one oacapion. The oltuftt^on Improved
greatly: after «a battalion:, of Inf an try, a a^uccron of cavalry, and
&lf a .^tttteor. of artillery wore Uupp*tph^V*roin :)hlr*ij( to the
Pftfthtrl-^rJln ar#> On flept.! 2t>thV. and after us-rauae&ifAt& were
HAfr-ftt AMbhaft- 'on th«-h.*iap »h*y fo.» cooperation with tt:« 'tribal
leader* in the(»ft$HtuU*jio* of v*V<r. )?o i;.?portu»* l!\oldnntn
Mr* reported after iUpt* 2,5th. ili&h o.*a oxcejilca. On Oct. 3rd.
a robber band (believed to beUuTkM tribesmen) nhpt op ;n oil
{ttXer only thro# nllee. froii bnlras (killing the driver'., and i
looted * village on the auttikirc* or th.: town. frow tv.«t dut*,
jfa .tram* travelled in convoy.
P\Uftl$e £he are# of the road. ixsrcurity prevailed
JU rarying'de&reea of Intensity for rjont of the year, tho dle-
tflets chiefly effected being J>h*u*i <md -**firu5i. V’n .20st
fciriauft Inoident iraa When Ardekajt Was attacked on 'ih<* of
jtaguii.t• 3th. by Bair Afweed tribe airfoil usuiar -\li ;in* Ytll ,,a?d ’ilvi
(fed, through the treachery of ft lociil ^velentnr, avccas-ol in
Letting Into and aaobing apart of ih.t town. A rep*ttiti-n of
IhK ^eTt-lrun affair eaa preeentel by tV. refusitl or the yorvig
lirottHant li> eowFiani of the garrison to surrender when called
pern to 'io *0*
Aftej-tae beginning o'* COvCher, i'lc to. the opuntry-
gtfttteteroTed.--* ?reftt deal'• and; few-iweiaefttp tfdM'tfftpwrted, but
VHfP(^M,.'b.9 »0 ddnbt that the tPlbnl leert,**** e$G'hqrt Hens,
fK&9#t«t?v.ltb thb-^eintttiaunca of lun joetf iw<by. Ownera!
?eheL*h#Al, .ua#d ;>hftlr power exterioiveJy to «a»ana»d9«r or buy
ft efcea? >ri,oae crop a- and land.
r politic.* at the end of the ye*r that althovi.^h
fadurlty tbrougbiouQ-the Province mb relnilvciy good, thla uec-
JtfjLty raatad*.«Attr«iy on.£*air *hanT» goodvill. /t aa;*' time he
IMBKlarchiage >ia policy and tho -lovt. 4a* lnpotont.
pgg ^CTtVITr^S.
-.^t tJao baglnniAtf qf it r*ite certain that there
if#»#l,'twp..Oamaaa.irlth the >;anji|fal tribes - one half
pdwtnn'oa^ the other n 'bora i\. rerajLa. fr.c of thoci wac
brlglJially;'.tafceii to the ;ymbp.ql i/y the «ie>Wy -.wubukht, and the
etfcer Tied ibere bccftuoe cf fear of -ho huoffiars. 1?-' f.c^t,
JlgubalAt,. aho had beea^vooiferouaiy eupportl.^’ tnc ..«*i-hjwl oauae
id -Tahpaa. a^.-wae-.lxqia^ to .l-e aA ri» .Mhvsyr* to
5a»lr raehgal to eacnpe arreol, au.; rei^ined’ eri tfc air.-, until the
ml of the ysar. Hainjff elreicsa.'V^y ovnr*.? .of cor^unlcetlon,
Ifaubakht ix«d the Cement ^uceer.rmi in j.k?•/% 'K- your,try
four peraohuticta.who l«jr.ded-in vlld njubul c^datry July,
ftft«r the Stwi’run inc-ldeut. Tnree * 0/ the -A«*:wCJO...ora .<\ve
dendaiio •abd.oxu <2 r«ereiun T/tic- htU Wtoi 1:« '»0f\ r ivveral
fbart# ar*l. bad there bee 11 in contudt w’t«, t«o .-aohj/ai ' hunt.
^T.:-* ?0ifa ^hoaroe ^ath^i went to Tehma in ,.uguatf he g*v*i the
Malta .authorities,a written undertaking to Uaiid over to the
Bjritiah. til 'uernads In 'jaehgal territory, but at this ti*ue the
dtro«aer,>tit aent.out of /^nuhB^i Utrlzoty TtUK'x■ ^ra of *
todred ®r so detpereta hoir A)w*d tribeamea,. and &i,*ir later
jildlued • tliiit :h#/vab'not in a eurrend^r them.' »t
ikt tAd*of.l94d9 pi, one. were being nvad<i’“ to-'Capture dll the *5er/..*no
dad It was h©i>ed- that /they would be In oustody nearly In 1«>44.
(In t»;/lce of the • •.