Page 241 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 241
n *
Zn spite of the disturbed condition 0/ th© country «*urlng
kit irhols ye*r, thoro la no evidence vh<u: the 3©rasas at any tine
Keoaodod lr, jotting control of '.he rebel naver-ent. "he „.»shgal
opposition to F.hnhbAkhti chawed no sign of the orgshli©tlon that
flight have boon axpocted from German aavlooro, and After the
ImlruA lnaidont , when thoy had their chunoe, the Germane (laclud—
'(yg the newly arriveu parachutists) oiu not euooecd \ evet If they
tried) in combining the rebel tribesmen into **n organized foroe.
Moreover, during iho whole of the your, thoy cia not succeed In
tomulttimg a ointtJLa important act of sabotage. i'here o&n be little
loubt that the roweon for thie w«b tnut it became obvious o-*rly
U the year that4 the lilies were bound to win the war, anu the
tribes h»d no aich to oe on the *ronj, aluo. :»ev«rt>.oleao, ao
lo&g a* th© lOiviano hud plentiful supplies of moi.tyf where w<»©
Always a danger of thelrssibotagln,; the r*Ul'ir<y or the oilfields
fith tho assistance of Cooperate ti*Jbra*r.«n, *ca their culture
lOAtinuod to bo regarded aQ a matter of first importance.
The plan for a subsidiary Aid-to-iCUSBi a route 1'row futhirc
tit Fnrreahliana (*©# page 3) cam: ,0 nothing:* -he V-oyal arflnoom
In control of the Kemps** ^onoortiuio, continued to ^aiatuir. the
Bairn Eushire-Shlra* road until wulvt whan it *uu Gooitled to
lloae doaa ihislilre as *• port of on try for itruae lead truffle to
fonslu, AAu all u'lblntAlnatico and repair ftorU were handed ever
ty the aoyal 1Cn*,*Inoero to che rersian Govoi'iuaeni*
At tho cad of May, 0 Koval '.nginoer reoonAdliiawoe party
i*at over tho Kano run-'/©hi lea sooticc of the road to .^ehfcehan to
IMBlB# the possibility of a fUr weather or all weather road,
lneludiag bridging of the thshpur river,
The effects of the poor harvest or 1943 continued until the
lev harvest was gathered. r*.r©*d rationing had tc be introduced
it the and of January, and in February the poor were reduced to
lating a bad quality maize bread. In April, the augur ration
pli reduced free* 400 to 400 grn::rc©j, bux owing to the venality
If tbs Supply .'epartnent and tne difficulty of con trolling the
Ipvaasnt of ooumoJities, many people had to go without their
Ntloms. fortunately, oelng to % record rainfall, the harvest was
Ue best for years, and the economic condition of the people wan
Alleviated to £ certain extent, bu t the general insecurity and
Usk of sufficient transport did a lot to offset the good result*,
i large part of the sugar oeet crop *a* uavea only by the lute
Arrival of the rain, which gave time for the ln*'ie<iiiMte number
•f lorriee to. oollaot it, end the output of the waraasht eng r
factory was Expected to exceed six thousand toCut the cm* aigw,
Price# continued to rl»e throughout the year, the causes
btlng lack of supplies fror. abroad, 1-tcrnereno« by the trihear:.en
italgaed to enhance their profits, yenernl lnseo'.irlty, corruption
IS the part of the local authorities, and hoarding. "lift follow-
U« comparison of prices shows the situation!
Jun. 1 -IZ* ec. 1045.
freed - baser! large pieos- hi ala l.dO d.
daivgmk one piece 1.40
flour - Imported one kilo 10. ;*o unobtainable
- local d.OO V. *0
fk**! - controlled 5.60 3. 0
- black market 5.40 o . 00
larley- controlled K.OO d.30
- black market 4.60 4.5/'
infer - loaf 11.00
f- - soft m.oo £f-.00
jic •»(average quality) J00.00 ^6^.00
4.60 -1. :)0