Page 244 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 244


                          Rafoin Jan between 6th an* 7th January.
                          Tehran botween 12th January an* 2n* February,
                          Zahldan between 5th an* 7th Inarch*
                          Jiruf t-Ru*bar botween 7th an* 30th May*
                          Bam an* Uaraaahlr between 6th aa* 16th. June.
                          Zerani betwoen 10th an* 14th July.
                          RafslaJan between 18th an* 25th July.
                          Mahon between 1st an* 3r* August.
                          Sir Jan betwoen 16th an* 19th August*
                          Rayln an* Barjsir between 2Qth Au^at an* 4th September*
                          Lalehazar between 13th an* 16th September.
             (e) Extra Assistant to H.M’s Consul.
                       Mr.N.Lester arrire* in German on January 20th to take
              •rer as Extra Assistant to H.M*s Consul.
              (f)      Consular Statist!oa.
                      British Subjects registered              27
                      Passports Issue*                          4
                      Passports renews*                         3
                      Visas grants*                            24
                      Documents legalise*                      22
                      Certificates of 0 an* Interest issue*  19
                     Pees lerie*                               £36-10-6

              (el  Official*, Celebrations.
                     New Year*s Par and’s Birthday.
                     Owing to the war there was no official celebration on
             New Year’s Day and oa the ocoaoien of H.II; the King’s Birthday,
             but all the leading civil an* military officials calle* on K.K*b
             Consul together with the principal landowners end merchants.
                 II. VISITORS.
                 1. An R.A.P. plane carrying Plight Lieut Moore, Pilot
             Officer Lee an* Sergeant Kelly arrive* frem Bandar Abbas an*
             staye* till the 29th January.

                 2.  Mr.Stevons ef the Oriental Carpet Cenpany arrive* in
             Aeman en January 18tk an* left fer *ntia ea January 21st.
                 3.  Wing Commander Warrington, R*A.P., an* Major Angell,
             R*E*, arrive* in Keraan on January 30th in connection with the
             oheiee ef a site for the landing groun* an* left fer Zahidan
             •a Pebrnayr 3rd.
                 5^ A reeonnaiasanee party ef 2 British effieers, Captain
             Captain Mitftri an* Liout.Henry, together with 4 N.C.O’s an*
             dbtut 20 mixed ether ranks arrive* la Kerman en January 25th
             *n* left fer Bandar Abbas en January 27th.
                6. Major Bi*ii§f officer in charge of a get logical 8lr-
                  party arrive* in Korean from Zahldan ta 2nd February on*
            returned the following day.

                7* Major R.U.Phillips, Seovrity Offioer East Persia,
            tori rod free o&hldaa on the 3rd February and loft fer Sir Jan
            <>h tfco 6th and paocod through ^oroan on his return to Zahidan
            ®h tho 9th February#

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