Page 246 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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              25, C»ptaln Welbourno arrivod from Zahidan to reouperate
              from illness.

              86.   Major Savidge and Mias Maodonald 4f tho          Rola—
              -tiono bureau, arrived In German an tho 31st and. loft
              far Tehran an Juno 2nd.
              27.   Llaut-Calanel Dust, C.R.S. East Persia, arrived on
              tho 6th Juno and returned ta Zahidan an the 9th.

              28.   Brigadier W.H.York, Chief Engineer, accompanied by
              Liout-Colanol Berridgo and Major Thompson arrived from
              Tehran an tho 7th Juno and returned on tho 9th.
              29. Lleut-Calonel Sohomberg, late Consular Liaison Offioer,
              Isfahan, passed through Kerman ©n his way India on June
              16 th.

              30.   Lieut-Colonel Busk, C.R.E., East Persia, accompanied
              by Major Barton arrived from Zahidan on June 2Qth and re-
              -turned tho following day.
              31.   Major Musa Khan, noting Security Officer, Meet Persia,
              arrived in Kerman on Juno 29th and left on tho mcrnlng of
              July 2nd.
              32.   Major Hicham, arrived in Kerman on July 9th and left
              for Zahidan on the 13th July.

             33.    Lieut.Mather, Garrison Engineer, Kerman, left for
             India on siok leave on July !3tho
             34.    Captain 1.7/.Grey, R.E. accompanied by Lieut-J.M.Karris
             and nn :soort, arrived in Kerman on July 26th and left for
             Bandar Abbao on 2nd August. They returned on August 6th and
             and left for Shiraz on the 8th..
             35.   Lieut-Colcccl Busk, C.R.I2., East Persia, accompanied by
             Major Barton and Captain Callender arrived in Kerman on the
             15th August. Lieut-Colonel Busk and Major Barton left for
             Zahidan on August 18 th,. Captain Callender visited Bandar
             Abbas between 17th and:'23rd August and left for Zshidan on
             tho 26 th.

             36.   Sahib Singh, Bunda Singh and other deportees from Teh-
             -run and I8fohan passed through Kerman during tho first half
             of August.

             37.   Dr.D.K.Howgato of tho C.1I.S. left for Isfahan on trana—
             -for on August 24th.

             38.   Mr.Ghulan Rabbani arrived on August 23rd with his faia-
             -lly to take up tho post of Head Clerk at tho Consulate.

             39.   The Hon’ble *±h* Sir C.G.Prior, K.C.I.E.f the Politleal
            Resident In the Persian Gulf, arrived In Kernaa tn the 1st
            Ootober and left Kerman. on the 4th.

            40.    Lieut-Colonel Hosaaa and Captain Bowen, beth ef. tho
            Indian Polltloal Service, with their families arrived in Kerman
            froa Tehran en Oeteber 17th and left on their way to India on
            Oetober 19th*

            41#   Wing Ccnnander Davis, R.A.A.P., aoeomponied by Squudrea
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