Page 243 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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chapter. M

                         COKSULAR AREAS FOR THE YEAR 1943.______ __

          I. H«UT■ Consulate*

             (i) H.Mfs Consul.
                  (i) Ur*H.A.M*Barlow, I.C.S., held oharge of E.M»s
          Consulate, K-rnan and Yez<J, throughout the year ano that
          of H.U'a Vice-Consulate, Bandar Abbas till 26th January 1943
          when the pest Y/as rerired and placed under the superintend-
          -enoe  of the Hen'ble the Political Resident In the Peraian
          Gulf. During the year H.M13 Consul v/ent on leare to India
          for a short period from 8th September to 22nd October during
          whioh tine Captain P.F.C .Nicholson officiated.
                 (ii) Tourg of H.Ufa Consul.

                       The following tours v;ere made during the year;-
                Bandar -^bbas betY/een 18th February and 3rd Marsh.
               Baa between 18th and 20th March.
                 Yezd, Isfahan and Tehran between 18th and 13th Juno.
                 ^aryatul-arab and Rayin between 28th and 30th June*
                 Jupar between 24th and 26th July.
                 Zerand bctYfeen 6th and 8th August.
                 Yezd, Main and Ardekan between 16th and 25ri Noreraber.
             (b) Vice-Consul.
                (i) Captain P.F.C.Nicholson held choree of the office
          of U.Mvs Vice-Consul, Merman, till 26th January when the
          po*t Y?a8 abolished and he left for Bushlre.
               (ii) Tours of Vice-Consul.

                     The following tour was made by the Vice-Consul
          during th# period ho held the pest:-
                 Bandar Abbas and Ling ah between 16th and 26th January.

             (•) Additional Vice-Consul.
                (l) Major W.H.T.Magan held oharge of the post of adi-
           -itional Vice-Consul and Area Liaison Officer, Kerman, till
           the end of Maroh when he waa transferred to Tehran on aboil-
          -tlon of the post.

               (ll) The following tours were made by hla:*
                 Zahidan between 5th and 7th Marsh*
                 Tehran between 10th and 23rd Marsh.
             (d) Consular "Li ai sen  Offloer.

          r, .              M.Hassan held oharge of the post of Consular
          liaison Cf fleer throughout the year. During this period ho
          was aboent fron his peat on short leare to India froa March
           12th to April 18th, and froa Norenbor 23th to Dooeaber 18th
                                    *• •” — “■

               (il) Ho ncle the folloY/ing to or os*
                  Son fcotccoa lot and 2nd Jcr.Bary,
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