Page 248 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 248


            M transfer t# Isfahan in A\i^it, when Dr.E.N.Wild took ortp
             tele ohorge*
            Hespltal statls ties fer the year were as fellowsi-

             In patients*            1169
             Outi.patlents*          60420
             Operations                1221
            The C.M.S.Heppital eoitinued t# 4© excellent work, and with the
            help ef the grant received from the Anglo-Irpniai* Relief Fund,
             their eharitable work was extendod*
             (ii) Sta Andrews Church*

                   The Re¥.A.T.Howden was Faster in Chsrge threughout the
             (iii) Mi so Stratton assi8ted by Mrs.Howien continued to run the
            Women's Welfare Centre in Kerman*

                                   IV, FOREIGN INTERESTS.
            Representation*    There were nc foreign representatives in this
            area during the year*

            Trade*     Owing te the war and lack of shipping aoeemedation
             there were practically no imports from Foreign countries.
              , According to the figures taken from the Certificates
             eqOrlgin and Interest, carpets worth Rials 6,273,078. y/ere ez-
            -ported to the U.S.A* during the year under review*
                                    V. LOCAL GOVERNMENT,

             (a) Cstandar (Covernor-Cccerel)*
                      Aqai Ahmad Rad held the post of Ustandar Kerman till
            13th September, when owing to the Central Government's diasatis-
            - faction with his conduct of the elections, he v/as suspended and
            ordered te hand over charge te kafat Aqai Fahimi the then Farman-
            •dar, who is turn was also recalled te Tehran within a fortnight
            of taking over eharge. Yawar Suleiman Muhtasham, the Chief ef
            Felloe then teok ever as offieie-ting Ustandar in addition te his
            own duties. Aqai Rad*3 supersession was v/idely regretted by all
            classes as though an elderly man end far from strong he has a
            reputation for honesty and goodwill and has been an open and een-
            -stant supporter ef Aagle-Iranian friendship* Owing te lack ef
            transport Aqai Rad stayed on in Kerman, and as his successor
            failed te take up the pest was finally reinstated as ^standar
            •a 28th November, 1943*
            (b)   For aand. or*

                      Aqai Reza Fahimi held the pest ef Faraandar till 1st
            Oeteber, 1943, when he reoelved orders te proeeed te Tehran* •
            Rut he was still la Kerman at the end ef the year trying t# get
            eose appointment here* His eventual departure was net regretted
           «• he was an Intriguer and party mas*

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