Page 253 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 253
Tho following robberies took plsce during the year:-
February 1943. Aqai Uoinian, Consulate Publioity Assistant,
was hold up M'j robbers a few miles south of Sirjan on the
Bandar Abbas road. Shota were exchanged between Aqai Hoinlan 8
party whioh was esoortod by a Gendarme and the rovers bh«
jobbers who withdrew.
A rettery occurred on April ^9th at the Khan-1-
April. 1943..
-Surkh pp.aa on tho road between Sir Jan and Aerman. Passengers
were looted..
Jvmm 1943. It was reported in May that a raotorious absecnd-
~er~named Kuchak All of the village of DehaJ (S.W. of Anar)
had threatened the people of Sh*hr-1-Babak, that if they under-
-took to sell any ^r«ln to Government the consequences would
be serious as he had his followers wanted it themselves. later
he beo arne increasingly active and had. an engagement in Juno
with Gendarmes near DehaJ in which the latter are said to have
had the worst of it.
A raiding band of Arabs was reported also on
the Yezd-Shiraz road.
One June 5th Government mail proceeding from
Ban to ^eeruft was' attacked and looted between Masghua and
Sabzwaran. The robbers got away with Tomans 60,000 and psr-
-cels and letters. There was a totally inedacuate guard, of 2
gendarmes of whoa one was killed ond the other wounded. Part
of the loot was afterwards recovered.
July. 194 3. The month of July and the first half of August
was the worst period from the point of view of insecurity,
and the whole Eorth Western area of the province was In a
81ate of disturbance. A band of cobbers attacked the village
of l>aft, 90 miles S.3 • » of Sir Jan ar.d got p.v/ay with 68 rifles,
4000 rounds of ammunition and 28 msunds of opium. Hold ups
also occurred at two places on tne Bandar Abbas road, as.d
near l»ain# and twioe at Shame ©n the ^ermah-^ezd rosd. fta the
latter occasion the victims included the R.3.courier lorry in
which two European ladies, the Assess Aidin were travelling,
but though they lost some of their possessions they were not
personally molested.
August. 1943. Almost all the roads leading out of Airman
were the so ones of robbery during the first half of August.
*he worst oases occurred on the ^erman-Isfchan road. The road
beyond Nain between Yezd and Isfahan was- completely elosed,
and the Public Relations Bureau lorry and other traffic had to
prooeed via Katana 2nd Ardictan.
Another robbery took place of the 11th August
•nly 30 miles from Kerman on tho road to Xuhpayeh.
OptoborA ^9 4$. A-small caravan was looted in the Slrjan area
•a tho main Kornan-Aandar Abbas road.
Y___ Thtoejwas also a recurrence of robbery both on
the *ezd road and in the Jupar area. Two lorries and a oar
•containing a Rueoian engineer and his wife were held up at
*aans ©a tho *czd road on Gotober 27th-28th. Tho passengers
t# the hlll% robbod of orory thing exoept
a® olothos they were wearing. Consul's chauffeur hap-
-pcacd to bo
••ncldorablo ul^***** '* §a° #f ** ltPrl03 *** suffered
A lorry was looted la tte Shams Pass.