Page 258 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 258
-disseminated Uilooal t^ots, and there la reason to Vellore
that the Hussion* are beginning t# take an Interest In «rCM-
-lslng the working o lasses.
5. Loaol Government.
Aqal Ahmad ;>adri continued to hold the post of F«xrman-
-iar throughout the year. At heart ho is probably not friendly
to us. but in spite of a number of misunderstandings with
Hr.Gurney he has has on the whole shown himself ready to oooper-
-ato with this Consulate.
Li-ut-Colonel ShaiM remained Chief of Police. Though
effusire in protestations of friendship now, his record, makes it
likely that he will he a fair weather friend only.
FlnaPo e and Food Department.
These Departments were c^ein separated during 1943 and.
the latter placed in charge of Aoai Zain-ul-Abidin who has so
far workoi satisfactorily.
There were a few changes in other departments, hut
nothing of special interest to report.
Industry and Development.
The mills, details? of which were given in last year*8
report, continued to wferkat great profit to the oy/ners. lor a
short time there was a snortage of gas oil as mentioned above. At
the end of the year there were threats of labour trouble p-nd a
few minor strikes which were quickly settled. 2ut Yezd can hard-
-ly renain unaffected by the labour movement in Isfahan.
6. IflLJLitarv and Gendarmerie.
There is no regular military feroe stationed in Yezd,
^argord Abdur Rahman Purzand Y/as in charge of the Gendarmerie
at the be'&lnning of the year. Dnfcrtunotely his conduct deteri-
-orated and he was suspented of being in league with seme of the
robbers. 7/1 th his transfer in the summer the position improved.
Except for a short period v/hen owing to disturbances
in Fars 1ho Isfahan road near K&ln wae rendered unsafe by wand-
-ering bands of Qashgals and other tribesmen, the chief centre of
insecurity has been the Shams: pass on the Yezd-ilerman road.. It
wts found necessary to strengthen the garrison at Kerraonchahn,
the post on the Yezd side of the pass, and to reestablish a
Picket la the pass itself.
7. Ceamunleatlons.
With the transference of responsibility for mointenane©
from the R.E'g to the Persian Government the Kernan-Isfahan road
rla Yezd has deteriorated rapidly. This is all the more tragi*
is that supplies of metal for repairs have been left olose at
hand. Other miner roads have remained open but with the minimum
•f maintenance.
AyijJjioiu An aerodrome 1* being cons trusted under the super
vision *f K.5f* at Ardekan between *ezd and Isfahan.
*• Eocneals Condi tloan^
At the beginning of the year the food situation was
witus and th© ©ity was for some time dependent on a bar# mar-
-Cln of <rain supplie* without reserves. With the advent of the
•*Wj7ffT00^ *• 1* moot other parts of Iran was exoollent.
•Ultleat improved and by the end of the year a fair reserve
*ad been built up. The ohitf difficulty in procuring grain has
eea transport, in respeot of whioh the Government Dapartments
•f **zd hare hitherto been in worse ease even than thoOdef Kerman.