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                       There was of course no trade with enemy countries. Of
                other foreign countries, small exports were made of carpets
                to America and of henna and rosebuds to Iraq.

                                 IV.LOCAL GOVERNMENT.

                           Aqai Hassan Mesbah held charge until the appointment
                on 6th November when Aqai Hussain Gerakani took over.
                          Aghai Uoharaed Ghaffari was Director of Customs through­
                out the year.
                FINANCE & FOOD DEPARTMENT.

                          Aqai Hohamed All Setoodeh vacated the appointment on
                9th June.Aqai Arsalan Dara arrived from Tehran on the 16th Sep­
                tember and continued to hold charge at the end of the year.
                BANK MELLIE.
                           Aqai Seyed Ali Beladi continued as manager throughout
                the year.The bank began to sell Sterling and Rupees drafts at
                the rates of Rials.130/- per pcund and RialsA9.80 per rupee.
                However the black rate for rupees is stil 20% higher than the
                bank rate, because bank drafts are exchanged at a discount at
                Dubai on the Trucial Coast.
                         No important case involving British Subjects came
                before the local courts during 1943.
                         Aqai Jalal ud din Firuz vacated the appointment on
                7th July 1043.
                         Aqai Davoua Ershadi arrived from Rafsenjan on the
                19th July and vacated the appointment on the 15th September.
                         Aqai Jalal ud din Firuz arrived from Kerman on 29th
                October and assumed the post to the end of the year.
                      Yavar Xhumarlu vacated the post of Chief of Police in
                October and left for Tehran on the 26th of that month.Naib 2
                Seyed Kamel Kaneli assumed the post from 23rd November to the
                end of the year.
                POSTS & TELEGRAPHS*
                                    Aqai Bahman Farahmand continued as director
                throughout the year.Owing to lack of transport no one came for­
                ward to make a contract with the Post Office for mails to the
                interior and therefore mails have been very/irregular.Telegraph
                communications have also been unsatisfactory, because telegrams
                sent or received reached tfcs. destinations very late.
                          Aqai Pezeshki continued as head of the Education
               Department throughout the year.There is one preliminary school
               for boys and two for girls up to the 6th Standard.There is no
               adult night school.No efforts have been made to improve and
               increase educational facilities at Bandar Abbas.Education is
               free but not compulsary.

                            Aqai Ahmed Mosanenzadeh, head clerk of the Gover-
               norate held the appointment of President of the Municipality
               to the end of July.Since then the Governor has officiated as

                       The outbreak of Typhus fever during the earlier part
               of 1943 caused the deaths of a few hundred people from the
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