Page 265 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 265
Mr.Lean,Locust Offleer,Persian, carried out a reconnai-
ssance of the Bandar Abbas area early in the year.He was later
joined by three Vincent aircraft fitted for dusting hopper lo
custs with poison and a number of experimental dustings were
made.Fortunately the locust threat did not develop in the Bandar
Abbas area the locusts flying North into the Kerman area.At the
close of the year, however, elaborate preparations were made
against a possible invasion of locust swarms from India or Arabia.
A mechanised regiment of the Transjordan Frontier Force moved
into the area towards the end of November and at the same time
12 R.A.F. planes(nine Ansons and three Vincents)fitted for poi
son dusting were stationed at Jask.Combined operations between
the troops and planes v ere carried out to give practice in attack
ing locust swarms.No swarms had appeared by the end of the year.
Throughout the year (with the exception of a short peri
od in midsummer) the assembly point of convoys of merchant ship*-
ping leaving the Gulf was situated some 8 miles South 'west of
Bandar Abbas.For the greater part of the year Captain H.T.Straw-
bridge,R.K ., filled the post of Naval Officer in Charge,Hormuz,
with headquarters afloat at the convoy assembly anchorage.
As the policy of the Central Government was declared
some time after the close of the harvest in this area where
the crops ripen quickly, it v/as not possible to enforce any
policy of wheat collection. C-cod liar vests were the rule through
out the area particularly in Shamil, i-iinab and RuGan,and had~a
vigorous policy been pursued in time it would have been possible
to realise considerable surplus from these areas.As it was the
buying and selling of wheat and barley remained uncontrolled.