Page 249 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 249

7 o
                Yawar Sul a loan Muhtashoa, tho Chief ef Pel lee, hel4
          ohorro of tho no at ©f fc'armandar in addition to his own duties
          from 1st Ootober, 1943,. He aloo aatod uo ustandar during the
          interregnum described abovo.

          (o) Zapnenie and Finance Department.
                Aaai Siddlqi holdcomhined charge of both the Economic
          ani Finance Departments till 14th *une, 1943, when they were
          separate*, and Agai Ishraqi was appointed head of the hoonomie
          Department, which post he held till the end of the year. Aqai
          Siddiqi continued to hold charge of tho Finance "epartnent till
          his departure on transfer from Herman on Hovember 6th. He has
          been succeeded by Aqai Sardarlo
          (A) Panic-1-1*1111.
               Aqai Reza Quli Axneri held charge ef this branch throughout
          the year.
               There was no change in the credit given te merchants dur-
          -4ns the first three quarters of the year, but since then the
          Bank has reduced the amount of credit available to applicants,
           according to the discretion of the local Manager, and has also
          reduced the period of the credit, in general from 4 months to
          45 days. This has had a somewhat steadying effect or. the market,
          as merchants cculd not depend entirely on the usual help given
          by the Bank.
          3* Agricultural Bank*
                 Aqai Ikrami held charge of the Agricultural Bank till
          June when he was relieved by Aqai LIukhtarian.

                 The Dqnk has sub-Agencies at Rafsinjan, Sir^an and Bam.
                 During the year 1943 tomans 700,000 have been loaned to
          cultivators and landlords in the Herman province especially at
          Rafsinjan, ZeranA, Jlruft and Rawar.
                 Out of this amount tomans 110,000 have been advanced to
          cultivators to enable them to purohase agricultural implements
          eta, for a period of one year only at the rate of interest of
          10/3. The balance of 590.000 has been loaned to landlords to
          enable them to dig 'qanats* and undertake other agricultural
          improvements. The loon has been made for a period of 4-5 years
          at a rate of interest of 112#
           (f)   Justle e.

                  Acai All Akbar Lawasani held the post of Chief Judge of
          the Herman Appelate Court till 15th October *'Hen he was trone-
          -ferred to Tehran, and left on 6th November, 1943* The post
          remained vaoant till the end of the year#
           (c)   Pol lee.

                 Yawar Suleiman Uuhtasham was Chief of Polio® throughout
          the year. He is a quiet, hard-working officer who has recently
          ■now* lnereasing readiness to oooperat® with this Consulate.
          mi, .Tlxe Police force remained inadequate and ill-equipped,
           hey have in all approximately 43 riflos in Korean 19 in Raf-
          Innn         Jn Slr^an ^ 22 ln Dan* 011 thon either of Gor-
          ac-™n?*«!!»?8la5 canufaoturo, with approximately 5000 rounds of
          -lc-n^s* ^aiJn cdtU61cn tbout 03 pistol. Ot different otat-
          -tcabar1tK«*P«?J 70?° rcv-r-a° of munition. Since tho 10th Scp-
          Pattorn.             fcav° a(loptod khakl «“***» ef . allitary

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