Page 250 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 250
(h) 0 end* merle*.
Sarhang Abdullah TunaJ, held chare© as a Rais-i-Wahieh
till 30th September, when ha received orders of transfer to
Tehran, and was reliered by Sarhaag Khaiiwi. The latter arrived
in Kerman on the 1st October, 1943, bat loft for Tehran in the
third week of November to fetch his wife and family and has not
slnoo returned*
Sarhang Taj Bsksh, seoond in command, held hie post till
24th September 'when he was transferred to Khv/ash, and was relle-
_yo4 by Sarhang Zawosh, Y/ho has also acted in addition to his
•wi duties as Kais-l-iiahieh sinoe the third week of November.
Tho Gendarmerie share with the Finance Department the
reputation of being the most corrupt of all the Government De-
-partments* It is to be hoped that the American Adviser now
attached to the Department will be able to undertake a thorough
review both of conditions of service and of personnel*
(i) Post and Tele.Tg.nh*
Aqai Sadri held charge of the appointment throughout the
year* H© is rery keen on sports in running v/hioh he olosely id
entifies himself with the local schools and is trying to cel-
-letft funds to build a gyanasuim*
(j) Education Department*
Aoai Hassan Muhbaran held charge of the Education Dep-
-artraont throughout the year* There were approximately 150
schools In the whole Us tan during 1943. There were five night
schools in Kerman but these have been closed since the middle
of the year. Sitter attacks, baaed, largely,it is believed., on
personal grounds, have been node against Acoi llubarhan in the
local Press,
Aqai Ansari held charge of the TCaqf Department till the
beginning of June, 1943, Y/hen he was suspend ei and relieved by
Aqai Shafii.
(k) • Municipality.
Aqai Sarreshtidar held charge of the ^untsipali ty till
the end of April when he was relieved by Aqai Ahmad I.'azlreadeh*
The latter la a well-educated and ambitious man, and is help-
-ful te the Consulate* ^e has considerably increased the Muni-
-eipal Income, and has tried to introduce lraprcveoents. The
condition of the lanes PkuchehsJ and even of seme of the main
roada in the Town Is still veiy bad*
(l) Health Department.
Dr.Ali Akbar Vakili held eh&rge of the Heaxth Depart-
-nent throughout the year, after release from detention at
In the beginning ef the year epedtalos ef typhun and
typhoid occurred and Dr.Yakili did good work with the asslat-
*an«o and ad vice of Captain Haq, I.LI.S,, who was deputed by
the Dritioh Delation ftr antl-typhua measures in Kerman, and
the C *U*3» Doctor*
The C.M*S*Hospital eontinued to de valuable work* TI.c
"he ^Anglo-Iran inn Relief Frnd was alee able te help during the
JJ£rv7 applying GCwi’.oineOf and by giving a epeoial grant to
the 0.l!*3*J!copital for tho ertonoien ef froe feoilitiea for
poor pot lento*