Page 247 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 247
Leader O'Connor and tr/® other officers arrived by pl®ne fr®o
Zsiildan on Ogto ber 23r4 end left for Tehran the oaao day.
They at7ain passed over K-rnian on their return J®urney.
Captain Callender, Garrison Engineer, Kerman, left f®r
Zahidan ®n 25th October.
43# JLrJan Singh accompanied by hie wife arrived in Kern«n
froa Isfahan on O0tcber 17th and left for zahi«an on the 19th.
44. Li-ut-Colonel Y/ood, R.E., accompanied by Major Morrison,
a.E ., arrived from Isfahpn on November 12th and left for Vxizax
Zahidan on the 13th.
45. Major R.M.Phillipa, Security Officer, East Persia, arri-
-ved on the 14th November and returned to Zahidan on the 15th.
46. Flight Lieut-^eok with a party of R.A.F. personnel arri-
-ved from Tehran by lorry cn November 13th and left for Bandar
Abbas the same day in connection v.'ith the anti-locust campaign.
47. Mr.0.B.Lean, Locust Officer, accompanied by Messrs Gut*o<
and Nikiforof, Russian subjects, arrived in Kerman on November
20th and left for bandar Abbas the folloy/ing day.
48. The Mechanized ^e^iment of the Transjordan Frontier Force
under the command of Majo-r ullson arrived in Kerman in/eenvoy
of about 120 lorries on November 24tli ant proceeded to nandur
Abbas on the 26th, to take part in the anti-locust campaign*
49. Lieut-Colenel Ataullah, Inspector-General of Cereals in
the Food Ministry, x'ehran, arrived in Kerman on the 4th Deoem-
-b-r and left for Tehran the following day.
50, Staff Ccnmander (Mi3o M.) Gamnell, F.A.N.Y., arrived in
German on D-o ember 25th and left for ^sdiiian and India on the
(a) Trade
Owing to the war and restricted shipping aeoomoiation
there waa practically no trade with the United Kingdom.
Trade with India was limited owing to restrletlons on
otport from India.
The exports from Kerman aoe or ding to 0 erti float es ef
°Plgin and Interests issued from Kerman were as under J-
Uudder Root te India Rials.60,000.
Carpets to Zabzlb&r " 187,251.
(b) An<rlo-Ir^Hlpn Oil Company.
* Mr.M.A.Iranpur held oharge ef the Coopany,s agency at
eroan throughout the year, with *aadar Abbao^a oub-effiee and
5^ fallowing agenoles under himi- Sir Jan, Bafoinjan, Anar and
ft..- prl®° #f P®trtl *** kerosint ail rose during the yofcr
« Rialo 48-50 to 63-50 aci Rials 40r00 to 48-00 por tin of 4
ona recpeotiToly owing to the increnood eoot of tronoport.
^cwrato was in char,*:© of the hcnpitel «V1 •• 1