Page 242 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 242

t; X.
                                                        Jan. 1945           0«o. 1943
               fettS*            1 kilo           Kitls. 40.00               65.00
                                 m n
               flhlcken(aversge) each                     30,00              35.00
               gaga               eaah                      .90               1,40
               firewood         1  kUo                      ,66               1.60
               Charcoal         H   u                      1.80               4.00
               Ketches          1  box                     1.00               3.00
               Oigarottes (Gurgen pocket o V ten,          3.00              16.00
               11 oa (average) 1  kilo                    10.00              13.00
               fthoet           1  pair                  120.00  (1942?     400.00
               Blue seres       l  aetre                  W.'JO u           505.00
               Coat of tailoring oae suit                100.00             300.00

                    The Supply Oepartraeat have not buea able to aup,/iy ux;y
               detailed figures of exports and ic:po;*u8 for the ys*r, but it is
               known that good* to the total value* of ..early 433.00 acre
               taxed during the firct nine ^oatha. /.Hewing for *.iug4;ling,
               which proceeded on h large soale, it id f&ir tc nay th-t about
               a million Taaanc worth of .;oodo paoaaJ in out of 'Tnlraz
               daring the year. The tioat Important       ant v/ac or cotton
               piece geode to Isfahan and Yezd. where tlioy fetched i*i0! er prices.
                    Foreign trade dlalniHhml ste&dlly. I.o x'ljureti s.n available.
               Bet H.M.Consulate gave orrtlfioitaa of origin and ir.iiroct in
               peapoet of the following:
                 Lambs): Inn   SO.fOO kilos to Xew York    valued ut V.. 5.2/36,000#
                 Casings       5.500 M h m n                   "   ■  8.3.*  3,000.
                 Goat aalr        73 bales to Jarucbi          K   *      £ 667.
                 White Oum    eO,COO kilou to -*;v York        «   *         4,000.
                 Had Oust     13,000   / w    »«     it        n   ».  w ”   7,000.

                   The reiaXill for the seeooit >'overi?r 1942 to April 1543
              vac 18.46 inches - a record for wsmy }eurs, The next season’s
              fain started noch Inter than usual, auc u, to the end of 1943
              <mlyO,66 Inches had fallen. Though this guva rice tc a certain
              amount of anxiety for a tiae, o\e advantage rrao that It became
              possible to oolleot the whole crop cf sugar beet, u good port
              tf whloh would have been ruined If the rfcia had started at the
              aormal time.
                   These         as follows i
              Bight at maximum    103.8 /July la; we*  a-jvjr. ot';>r Jv.vy in July,
                                         'm i .vugujt 4ir..  *;.»• i,Sh. ;
              Lewes t maximum     44,6 (iTnmiary 1?
              llgheet JiieiiauQ   00.0 (vVsly 27 t’j. }
              Lewest alnfoun      21,2 ("Vbruury 3rd, u:«i 5tL. )

              Irltlsh Consultt*.
              February 17 th. 1944,
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