Page 287 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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ignorant sisters, The extreme difficulty of obtaining materials
and masters has much handicapped Mr.Wakelin in his endeavours
to improve the standard of knowledge in Bahrain but he is making
great efforts to prevent any falling off in the progress that he
has so far made and it is safe to say during the year under review
he has more than held his own.
(ii) Girls1 Section
Tho Girls1 Section has suffered in much the same way
and from the same causes as the Boys* Section. However due
largely to the efforts of Mrs.Belgrave, the wife of the Adviser,
the schools have been able to maintain a high standard of
teaching and it is hoped they will be able to tide over the pre
sent difficult times.
(iii) Technical Section
The Technical School like the other educational
institutions has suffered much from lack of adequate instructors
and also from the difficulty of obtaining raw materials so
necessary for the instruction of the students. The school has
been concentrating on turning out fitters and mechanics prin
cipally with a view to their future employment with the Bahrain
Petroleum Company but it was suggested during the year that they
should widen their activities and introduce the study of
automobile engineering. The Technical School is a very necessary
institution and would with proper instructors and adequate
materials be the most important educational establishment in the
Persian Gulf but that position will only be achieved when the
cessation of hostilities makes it possible to obtain the
materials and the instructors.
(iv) General.
The following statistics are of interests-
Number of schools in existence on 1st Jan. 43 14
N n M
opened during 1943 1
" students on the rolls on 1.1.43 2168
N II N n n
" " 31.12.43 2303
Number • • • •