Page 288 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 288

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                        Number of teachers on 1st January 1943          102
                           m    ii          " 31st December 1943        114.

                  (l) Chief Local Representative
                       Mr. Ward P. Anderson was General Manager and also

             Chief Local Representative of the Company throughout the year.
             During the latter half of the year when he paid a visit to the
             United States Mr. Russell M. Brown, Manager Operations, acted
             for him as Chief Local Representative and General Manager.
                  (ii) Production and Development

                        The total oil production during 1943 was 6,571,609
             barrels being an average of 18,004 barrels a day.  The rate of
             production has been held practically constant at the daily
             average of 18,000 net barrels and observations of reservoir

             behaviour under the conditions imposed as a result of the
             elimination of certain wells for security reasons have indicated
             satisfactory reservoir performance at current rates of withdrawal.
                       No work of a development nature has been undertaken
             during the year.

                       No exploratory work was conducted in the Additional
             Area and a moratorium in respect of the obligations under the
             agreement was granted dating from December 1, 1942, and extending

            until such time as reasonable normal Company operations can be
                 (ill) Import of Arabian Crude Oil
                       A total of 4,840,427 net U.S. barrels of Arabian Crude
            oil-was imported during 19*3*

                 (iv) Refinery
                       No major new operating facilities were completed
            during the year under review, but minor alterations and additions

            to existing equipment were made. Some new pumps were installed
            at the cracking plants, condenser was installed at the
            Polymer plant to augment the compressed gas condensing capacity,
            the platform at the C.V.f. Plant was extended, a standby ste<

                                                                  pump • • • •
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