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P. 459


                    Administration Report of the Kerman and Yezd
                        Consular Districts for the year 1945.

                                   A. KBRMAN.’

          I. H.M.CONSULATS;
               (a)   H:lf. Cbnsul
               (1) Lt.Gblonel V.W.D.Willoughby held charge of His
          Hajesty(s Consulate,*Kerman, from the 1st January to the
          28th..October 1945 and proceeded on Home leave. He was
          succeeded by Lt.Colonel R.G.E.W.Alban, O.B.E., who assumed
          charge on the 4th.November 1245. From the 28th October to
          the 3rd November 1945 Mr.R.M.Hadow, H.M.Consul, Bandar
          Abbas, officiated as H.M.Consul, Kerman, in addition to his
          own duties. Lt.Colonel V.W.D.Willoughby officiated as H.M.
          Consul, Ba^ndar Abbas from 17th September to 27th September
          during Mr.R.H.Eadow’s absence on leave in India in addition
          to his own duties.
               (ii) IHM’s Consults Tours.

                      During the period in which Lt.Cblonel Willoughby
          held charge he made the following tourss-
                    January 24th to 26th.                 . to Yezd
                    March 23rd.                           . to Mahun
                       rch 14th to March 16th.            . to Bam
                    May 20th to June 2nd. •               . to Tehran
               (b) Fcfrtra Assistant to KIM.Chnsul.

                      Mr.H.Nicholas held charge of the post of Extra
          Assistant to H.M.Consul, Kerman, until March 9th when he was
          relieved by Mr ,Ii. Lester who held charge for the remainder of
          the year.
               (c)    Cbnsular Statistics.

                     ■The following are the British Consulate statistics
          for the year 1945:-
          British Subjects registered                             9
          Pa ssports issued .       w                             &
          Passports renewed .
          Visas gra nted
          Documents legalised
          Certifica tes of Origin and Interest        • •   ♦ •  28
          Fees levied   • •   • «   • #  • •   • •   •• .   • •  £121/5/-
                (d) Official Celebrations.
                       Owing to restrictions imposed by the War no
          officia 1 celebrations were held during the year. On New
          Year’s Da y and on the King’s Birthday the usual calls were
          sa de on mil. Consul by the civil and military off icials * in-
          -cluding the leading notables and merchants of Kerman.
                (<*) British Subjects.
          1.          Ma Jor G.A.Naqvi,^Attache for Indian AAffalrs,

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