Page 462 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 462

                      at Bandar Abbas, Sirjan, Baa, Anar and Rafsinjann

                             (c)   Church Atisslon Society.
                             (i) Hospital. Dr.E.B.Wild, F.R.C.S., continued to
                     hold charge of the C.M.S. Hospital throughout the year, as sis-
                     -ted by Dr.Miss K.Blackwood who was in charge of the Women’s
                                   The Hospital, a s always, though badly in need
                     of funds, afforded invaluable service to the community. The
                     high cost of drugs and medicines hindered the charitable work
                     of the hospital as about 75fo of the patients come under this
                     ca tegory. V/ith the introduction of penicillin treatment
                     ma ny remarkable cures were affected. The incidence of vene-
                     -real diseases, trachoma, and conjunctivitis were abnormally
                     high. No sorious/aiiifcxExia occurred but only seasonal out­
                     breaks of diphtheria, dysentery,and typhoid.
                                  The hospital statistics for the year 1945 are
                     as follows
                     Number of pa tients    • •     ♦ •                      1237
                     Number of day in hospital (average)                       19
                     Number of outpa tients         • •                      6665
                     Number of subsequent visits    • •                     16997
                     Number of outpa tient Injections                       15769
                     Number of opera tions - minor..                         1062
                     Number of operations - major .                           705
                     Analysis of major Operations.
                          Abdomina 1 sections                                  63
                          Amputa tlions   t •                                   3
                          Cataracts      • •                                   94
                          Other eye operations                                236
                          Excisions      • •                                    2
                          Injuries       • •                                   54
                          Hernias        • •                                   76
                          Necrosis       • •                                   37
                          Lithotomy      • •                                    8
                          Miscellaneous  e •                                  222
                           (ii) S t.Andrew’s Church,       The Reverend Rezavi
                    officiated as chap^in throughout the year.
                           (lii) Miss Stratton was in charge of the Women’s
                    Welfare Work until the middle of the year when she left
                    for England on furlough. S he was relieved by Miss Woodroffe
                    who arrived on the 6th June.
                    (IV) FOREIGN INTERESTS.
                                  The Shirkaf -Farsh sent 6678 metres of carpets
                    valued a t Rials 6,494,494/- to Tehran for export to the U.S.A.
                    From Certificates of Origin and Interest issued by this Con-
                    -sulato carpets valued at Rials 16.181.297/- were exported to
                   the U.S.A,
                                 The price of the best quality Kerman carpets rose
                   to Rials 1200/- per ’zar’ during the second half of the year.
                   Vw      LOCAL 00VER7-H?NJ.

                         (a)   governor General. Aqai Fazlula h Bahraini held charge
          :                                                                5./-
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