Page 550 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 550
Sectlon III. Local Adriinlstratlpil.
Dr. il. Hissabi was Governor until April 29th
when he was relieved by Aqai Roza Fahimi who remained
in Bushire during the remainder of the year except for
6 weeks during the autumn disturbances.
YiO new roads were built curing the year and only
token repairs have been done except to the Bushire Shiraz
road which has been kept in reasonably good order. The
security of the roads has been fair exceot for a short
period of 3 weeks during the tribrl revolt.
Inland telegraphic communication with the rest of
Persia was interrupted for almost 6 weeks during the revolt,
but communications with the o' tsiae world have always
been possible through the Cable and Wireless Coy.
Husain Shabankarah has remained Mayor of Bushire
throughout the year except for a short period. Apart
from the Mayor who is appointed by Governrent and paid
out of Municipal funds, ho member of the Municipality
has,/any real power. As a result, the affairs of the
Municipality have not progressed. Much money is st;ted
to have been spent but the results are not apparent.
As a result of lack of supervision, exhorbitant
Profiteering and the high rate of interest o:i all loans t
prices of all commodities especially imported goods
have shown little tendency to drop, and in some cases
have oven risen. Wages have risen sharply, partly due
to delayed action to meet the higher cost of living and
partly due to pressure by the Tudeh party. Cost of living
allowances etc. given to employees of the Persian Government
now almost equal their nay.
(e) The corruption and inefficiency of the local
Administration (especially the Central Government Dep
artments)^ only equalled by the apathy of almost all
the local inhabitants and their inability to complain
against misgovernment.
Section IV. Local Affairs.
(a) Political.
During the period up to the middle of September,
there was a steady increase in the activities of the Tudeh
party, and a corresponding decline in the power of all
other parties. At the start of the year the Tudeh party
had little influence and few supporters and their activit
ies were mostly confined to scurrilious attacks in local
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