Page 553 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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           things which smack of central control, and the desire of
            the inhabitants, both tribal and urban, to have alarger
           share in the administration of their own locality.
                   Trade in Bushire has been almost at a standstill
            throughout the year, Many of the merchants who were
           established in Bushire during its times of prosperity
           have left, and of those remaining most are too old to
           undertake new ventures or jeopardise the capital which
           will suffice to keep them until they die. As a result
           money is very dear, and this together with Central
           Government control, which succeeds in fettering all
           but Tehran merchants, has prevented any real effort to
           put Bushire commerce on its feet again. The recent
           relaxation cf control over foreign trade has not yet
           made any np reciable difference, and until the postal
           and shipping services improve it is difficult to see
           how any appreciable improvement can be effected. In
            theory, ships of the B.I.S.1T. Coy. call at 3ushire
           with mails to and from India and Iraq every 10 days
           or fortnight, but in actual practise it is found that
           these ships arrive most irregularly, and without
           adequate prior notice, and often are unable to take on
           any passengers or cargo. It has not been uncommon for
           there to be periods of 6 weeks with no sea rail. Air
           mail services showed some promise but if anything have
           deteriorated during the latter part of the year, .and
           ceased entirely for some time. One or two ships of
           Messrs. otrick and Coy. have called at Bashirs e:i route
           to or from England, ar.d undoubtedly there is plenty of
           scope for trace between England and Bushire. There has
           been some talk of starting a new ship ing Coy. for carr­
           iage of passengers and light cargo in the Gulf and to
           India,but this plan is bred more of desperation than of
           careful thought, as a Persian Shipping Coy. would be
           most unlikely to be a success.
            (d) LOCAL COkCBUNS.
                   The Eter.edieh Cotton and Spinning Mill continues
           to produce cloth, and though production lias decreased
           and expenditure increased following Tudeh activities,
           the continued high price of cloth has enabled the Coy.
           to make good profits. It is now proposed to set up
           another mill in Bushire, to be managed by ouite a sep­
           arate company, and plans for the purchase of machinery
           from England are being made.

                   Bushire Electric coy.
                   ______________________ A new company has been
           formed by Mr. Agar, managing director of the Etemedieh
           Mill, and machinery for it is now being erected. It
           is understood that the old electric company is going out
           of business entirely. It is claimed that the new comoany
           will in addition to producing ice, nrovide largo cold*
           storage facilities. What pnrpose they will serve ia
           difficult to foresee.
           ,       Bushire Drinking 'Water supulv. Bushire continues
           to obtain drinking water from this scheme, but it is not
           clear how long this will continue. It is understood
           that there is no money left from the original grant,
           that repairs will have to be made soon and that unless
           the scheme is taken over by the Municioality or a prooer
            company, piped, supply will never be made to the houses
                                                           /in Bushire
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