Page 579 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 579
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(a) Major M.P.O’C. Tandy of the Indian Political
Service held charge of the office of the Political Agency
up to the 2Qth February when he proceeded on leave to the
United Kingdom, Captain R.E.R. Bird of the Indian Pblitica
Service held charge from the 1st March to the 6th May,1946
and proceeded on leave to the United Kingdom after handing
over to Major M.P.O’C. Tandy who held charge until the
end of the year,
(b) Assistant Surgeon C.E, Hynes, I.M.D. held charge
of the Government Dispensary and performed the duties of
Quarantine Medical Officer throughout the year.
(a) His Highness Shaikh Sir Ahmed al Jabir As-Subah,
K.C.3.I., K.C.I.E., maintained good health in spite of his
advancing years. But for short winter excursions into the
desert for hawking he remained in Kuwait throughout the
year. The American Mission doctors continued to visit him
twice weekly. He has had three teeth extracted by Dr.
Sharp who was flown here from Abadan for the purpose and
claims that his health has improved as a result.
(b) Shaikh Abdulla as Salim, C.I.E.,.continued to
administer the Finance and Supply Departments throughout
the year. Towards the end of the year various discrep
ancies in the Supply Department’s accounts have been
revealed*5 investigations are still proceeding. These
disclosures have somewhat tarnished the reputation of
Shaikh Abdulla as Salim wh6 is regarded by all as except
ionally honest and it is becoming evident that one man, even
if he were of exceptional ability, could not be expected
to discharge efficiently the duties which Shaikh Abdulla
Salim has taken upon himself.
He has been frequently absent from Kuwait
because of his visits to Faileka Island where he spent the
entire month of Ramadhan. He kept rather indifferent
health because of a stone eh in the bladder, the removal
of which by an operation is precluded by excessive fat.
(c) Shaikh Abdulla al Mubarak, C.I.E., continued to
supervise the Department of Public Security with unaba^ted
energy. Security in Kuwait and the hinterland has remained
excellent. He spent the month of Ramadhan in Baghdad.
The Finance Department paid him Rs 2,89,000/- during the
year to clear his accumulated debts.
(d) Shaikh Abdulla al Jabir, C.I.E., remained Chief
Justice and Director of Education in which posts he dis
charged his duties loyally and efficiently. He has not
been keeping good health and went to Baghdad for 3 weeks
in September and October for treatment of his hereditary
He was invested on the 29th June with the
Companionship of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian
Empire by the Hon’ble Lt. Col. W.R. Hav c <5 t n t v
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.* The investiture
s® £!id in poi*nsai Aeen°yand *** ait JmS 5 gr
Highness, members of the Ruling Family, a0me members of the