Page 577 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 577
■Appendix 'A' to Bandar Abbas Administration Reports
Arrivals and departures of steamers
Nome of Date of Date of Tonnage Nation- Owner.
qteamers. arrival departure. allty.
3.Barala 16/1/46 16/1/46 3179 British B.I.S.N.
BarJora 20/1/46 20/1/46 3164
H.M.S.FaLnouth 20/1/46 21/1/46 11 R. Navy
S.T. Athem 21/1/46 30/1/46 A.I.O.C.
s.o.Khuziatan 11/2/46 12/2/46 11
s,s,Barala 3/3/46 3/3/46 3179 11
A.T.Nearcbus 3/3/46 3/3/46 u Residency
S.T.Zurmand 2/3/46 7/3/46 II A.I.O.C.
5.5. Kkuzistan 4/3/46 5/3/46 II
L. T, Ne archus 10/3/46 10/3/46 n Residency
.S.T.Athen. 18/3/46 21/3/46 II A.I.O.C.
5.5. Barjora 8/4/46 8/4/46 3164 u 3.1.3.N.
S.S.Sharistan 14/4/46 17/4/46 II 3tricks
Barpeta 17/4/46 17/4/46 3193 « 3.I.S.N.
H.M.S.Sborehaa 27/4/46 27/4/46 n R.llavy
■ R 4/5/46 4/5/46 n a
S.T.Zerang 8/5/46 II/5/46 ii A. I.O.C.
5.5. Barpeta 12/5/46 12/5/46 3193 H 3.I.S.N.
Barala 20/5/46 20/5/46 3179 n B. I.S.N.
5.5. Pundua 1/6/46 2/6/46 7293 B.I.S.H.
5.5. Khuzistan 1/6/46 3/6/46 A. I.O.C.
5.5. Turkistan 2/6/46 11/6/46 Stricks
5.5. Khusistan 21/6/46 22/6/46 A.I.O.C.
5.5. City of
Bourne 16/6/46 2/7/46 3tricks
'Barala 16/7/46 16/7/46 3179 11 B.I.S.N.
5.5. Barpeta 25/7/46 25/7/46 3193 B.I.S.N.
5.5. Barjora 26/7/46 26/7/46 3164 B.I.S.H.
5.5. Khuzistan 1/8/46 3/8/46 11 A. I.O.C.
5.5. Barjora 17/3/46 17/8/46 3164 B. I.S.N.
5.5. Khuzistan 30/8/46 2/9/46 n A.I.O.C.
S.T. "-then 7/9/46 13/9/46 u it A.I.G.C.
5.5. Barpeta 22/9/46 22/9/46 3193 11 3.1.3. N.
5.5. Khuzistan 24/10/46 24/10/46 11 A.I.O.C.
u 27/10/46 27/10/46 A.I•0.C•
S.T.Nirumand 29/10/46 29/10/46 A. I.O.C.
5.5. Barela 17/11/46 18/11/46 3179 11 B. I.S.N.
S.T.*then 13/11/46 I6/II/46 n A. I.G.C.
5.5. Barpeta 19/11/46 19/11/46 3193 n B. I.S.N.
5.5. Vasna 23/11/46 23/11/46 4320 11 ^.I.O.K.
5.5. Baristan 2/12/46 12/12/46 n 3tricks
S.T.Athon 8/12/46 11/12/46 11 A. I.O.C.
5.5. Barjora 12/12/46 12/12/46 3164 n B. I.S.H.
5.5. Barpeta 13/12/46 13/12/46 3193 3.1.3. !:.
1. The tonnage of those sisters which are not giver, abrvs cannot
b9 obtained locally.
2. Bach of the A.I.O.C. tugs calling ut Abbas has towed 2
barge0 carrying oil products.