Page 572 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 572

                        Tho Toheri and Jdili party had for a long time
            dominated local affairs but soon after the transfer of Aqal Ahmad
            Sadri, tho Farmandr, 7/ho owod his long tenure to this party
            local influenco and prestige quickly pa33ed Into tho hands of tho
            Tudoh Tarty who grow powerful within a very short p:riod. Mohammad
            Hussain Kavreb and Syed Fazeli who were oponents of tfco Tefcorl-
            Jalili party helped the Tudoh in an attempt to eradicate the
             influenco of that once powerful Tarty and succeeded. Millworkers,
            weavers and agriculturists etc. joined their ranks in large
            numbers ar.d the Tudeh Forty literally administered tho affairs of
            the town ana villages.

                        Towards the middle cf the year when the Prime Minister
            announced the formation of tho Iran Democrat Tarty under his
            guidance, the Tudeh were gradually weakened ani deprived cf official
            support and finally at the end of the year all further activities
            of theirs were suppressed. Prominent supporters of the Tudeh went
            over to the Democrat Party when they found the influence of tho
            former waning. Amongst these were Mohrmnad Hussain Kawab, and
            Sy9d Fuseli, both of whom received the support from Tehran of
            Icoosavisedeh and Hoirizadeh who are reported to enjoy the favour
            of the Prime Minister. To increase the membership of the
            Democrat Party, government servants were invited officially to
            join its ranks and the Party has now completely eclipsed the
                        During the height cf the power of the Tudeh Party
            they disrupted the public life ar.d successfully extorted money
            under threats of violence from tho wealthy many of when
            sought sanctuary elsewhere. Though they arc in eclipse now it is
            possible that they will emerge again as soon as opportunity offers.
                        Though the Democrats are In power row it is thought
            that they are r.ct sufficiently v;.11 organised to root future
            opposition if the Qawcm falls from office. Meanwhile the iMiri-
            Jalili partyfr.hcn the Government are opposed, remain in the ha?h-

            XI.  FU-LICITI & MOBILE C IKS'A.
                  (Please see section XI under "KERMAN".

                                 *****4 XU *-**-***-*
                                C    3AMD1R APBAS.

            I. H. M. CONSULATE.
                       Mr. R.M. Hadow, I.C.S., held charge of H.L!. Consulate,
            Bandar Abbas from 1st January until 17th March when he was relieved
           by Lt. Colonel R. G. Alban, O.B.S., H.K. Consul, Kerman,who held
           dual charge until the end of the year.

           Consular Statistics.
                       British Subjects registered....       25
                       Pas.ports issued.........................  2
                       Passports renewed.........................  3
                       Visas granted...........................  10
                       Documents legalised or attested       22
                       Fees levied..................................  18/10/6 Pounds
   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576   577