Page 569 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 569


                       In 1945# there wore 23 Reading Rooms In tho Kerman
            and Yezd areas.  All of them wore closed In November 1945 .except
            one In Herman and one In Yezd# and in 194& up to the end of Sep-
            -toraber Publicity activities were on a greatly reduced scale.
            During- this period small quantities of periodicals , pamphlets,
            newspapers and magazines lit Persian, French and English were received
            from tho P.R.3., Tehran, for the abovenentioned Reading Rooms.
            These wore mostly for sale but included some for free distiibution.
            Solos did not come up to expectations. The main publicity activity
            was cerriecf^through the medium of the Consulate/Mobile Cinema which
            gave regular shov/3 throughout the year in Kerman, Sirjan, Bam, Yezd#
            Mahon, Rafsinjan, and in villages in the districts, also in Govern-
            -ment schools and Military units. This feature has always been most
            popular and greatly appreciated especially amongst the villagers
            to whom * talkies 1 are a unicue and new experience.
                        On the 5th September, instructions were received
            from the British Embassy, Tehran, to renew and enlarge publicity
            activities and the budget was also increased.  The name n Publicity
            Relations Bureau " was changed to the n British Embassy Information
            Department n and reading rooms were opened in Sirjan, 3am, Pvafsinjan,
            LbJian, Baft, Bardsir# 3ayaz, and Bezenjan, for which the usual,
            reading matter and publicity materials have been received regularly
            from the Information Department, with these materials, Magazines and
            papers for free distribution amongst Government officials and
            notables were also received but the major portion was for sale.
            Paper3 for free distribution were found to be short of requirements.
            All publicity notarial was sent to out-3tation reading rooms about
            2 to 3 times a week by post. The publication of a Daily Hews Bulletin
            consisting cf the 7.45 a.*. 3.3.C. news broadcast wan unfortunately
            delayed until February 20th owing to the lack of a suitable rtaio-
            -set. Photographic build-up3 and miscellaneous posters received were
            displayed in all Reading Rooms.

                        In IToveubei^ a new Cinema Van was received from Tehran
            to replace the old one which was reconditioned and presented to the
            C.LI.S. Hospital, Kerman.

                                   E. YEZD.
                       Mr. Abdur Rahman was Clerk in Charge of the Yezd
            Consular Sub-Office throughout the year*
            II. VISITORS.

                       During the period under report .the following stayed
            in the guest house of the Consular Sub-Office s-
                                 British      16
                                 Americans     5
                                 Danes         2

           III. British Interestsn
              (a) Trade.
                       Most Yezdi merchants have branch offices in Borabsy and
           Karachi but none represents any British or Indian firms. They
           import chiefly tea, sugar, dyes, cotton piecogoods and spices f*o«
           India. Some have applied for agencies of British manufacturers of
           bicycles, tyros and tubes, leather goods, cutlory and woolen fabrics
           etc. and have been encoureged to address their enquiries to the   Indian
           Governments Trade Commissioner in Tehran.
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