Page 614 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 614


                   (vii) Anti-Locust Mission.
                         in January members of an Anti-Locust Delegation
             organised by the Government of India arrived at Sharjah
             under the leadership of Mr. Rashid Ahmad to operate on the
             TTucial coast. Mr. Moore, Administrative Officer of the
             Middle East Anti-Locust Unit arrived at Sharjah on the 28th
             January and handed over MEALU transport and equipment to
             the Indian Delegation. The Delegation carried out recon­
             naissance tours in Ajman, Umm al Qaiwain, Ras al Khaimah
             and Abu Dhabi, but found no locusts. After visiting Muscat
             they returned to Sharjah whence they left for India on the
             8th June handing over their vehicles to the R.A.F. authorities.
                  (v'iii) Tours.
                         The Hon'ble Sir Geoffrey prior, K.C.I.E., Poli­
             tical Resident in the Persian Gulf, arrived at Ras al
             Khaimah on the 11th March in L.T. "Nearchus" and toured the
             Trucial Coast accompanied by Lt-Col. A.C. Galloway, C.I.E.,
             O.B.E., Political Agent, Bahrain. After visiting Sharjah,
             Abu Dhabi and Dubai they returned to Bahrain by air on the
             13 th.
                        Lt-Col. A.C. Galloway, C.I.E., O.B.E., Political
             Agent, Bahrain, toured the Trucial Coast from the 24th to
             the 27th January, from the 8th to the 13th March, and from
             the 30th April to the 9th May, 1946.
                        Captain H.D.H. Ranee, Assistant political Agent,
             Bahrain, toured the Trucial coast from the 21st to the 23rd
             of Kay.

                       Major A.L. Greenway, M.B.E., Residency Surgeon,
             Eushire, visited Dubai on the 21st of November.
                        On the 7th December wing/comcander P.R.M. Williams,
             Air Staff Liaison officer, Bahrain, arrived at Sharjah,      He
             returned to Bahrain ccifck on the 15th after calling on the
             Shaikhs of Sharjah, Dubai, Ras al Khaimah, Ajznan and Umm al

                   (ix) Medical.
                        No epidemic of any kind was reported during the
             year. Malaria was endemic and was the cause of much of the
             general ill-health of the population. The most prevalent
             diseases were dysentery, venereal and eye diseases and
             sloughing ulcers.

                        Muhammad Yasin, in charge dispensary, Trucial
             Coast, Dubai, proceeded on leave to India on the 19th of
             June, and returned on the 11th of August.
                    (x) Royal ‘Air Force.

                        On the night of March 6th an R.A.F. askari
            guarding the cable line outside the R.A.F. camp at Sharjah
            fired at a jeep carrying R.A.F. Military police and Levies
            on patrol duty. The one shot fired grazed the arm of one
            British Military policeman, and entered the forearm of
            another, but fortunately without wounding him seriously.

                                                      /On the 18th..........
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