Page 615 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 615

                        On tho 18th March an R.A.P. Wellington flew
             over the s.s. "Afghanistan” anchored off the island of
             Abu Musa to drop a message on board, unfortunately in
             doing so the pilot misjudged his lieight and struck the
             top of one of the ship*3 masts, carrying it away, and
             damaging tho tail and rudder of. his aircraft. After
             jettisoning its petrol the 'plane made a belly landing
             on the island. The crew were uninjured and were taken
             to Sharjah the same day by launch.
                        The engines were undamaged but the 'plane was ^
             "written off" and offered, with the dismantled engines, *
             to the Shaikh of Sharjah.
                  (xi) U.S.A.T.C.
                        About 60 tons of wireless masts and other
             wireless equipment from the U.S.A.T.C. establishment
             at Sharjah were sold to the Arabian American Oil Company
             by the U.S. Army authorities and shipped to Dhahran by
             oil barge.

                 (xii) Local Affairs.
                        (a)  In April of this year the Shaikh of Ras al
             Khaimah built a fort at Wadi al Qaur to prevent highway
             robbers from invading the Batinah Coast through the Wadi
             al Qaur. The Muscat Government met the cost of building
             the fort and are also paying for the maintenance of the
             garrison consisting of eight men.

                        (b)  After the Khor Ghanadhah incident relations
             between the Shaikhs of Dubai and Abu Dhabi became strained.
             When all the efforts of the political Agent to induce the
             Shaikh of Dubai to return some 150 camels, which he had
             looted, to Abu Dhabi failed sanctions were imposed on him
             by stopping all travel facilities to Dubai subjects and by
             diverting one steamer to Sharjah, in the meanwhile the
             Shaikh of Abu Dhabi had raised a force of 2,000 men under
             the command of his brother Shaikh Hazza bin Sultan for
             invading Dubai.    The political Agent who was then at
             Sharjah prevented a clash by obtaining the agreement of
             Dubai to pay compensation to Abu Dhabi. The Shaikh of Dubai
             also agreed to return all the Abu Dhabi looted camels.
                            Although these demands were complied with,
            negotiations for the restoration of friendly relations
            between Shaikh Hazza and the Shaikh of Dubai broke down,
            and the efforts of the various Trucial shaikhs to mediate
             in the dispute were all in vain. Both sides indulged in
            numerous camel looting incidents the Shaikh of Dubai taking
             the initiative in most cases. By the end of the year the
             situation had quietened down.

                        (c)  Another significant event on the Trucial
            Coast during the year was the dispute between the Shaikh
            of Ras al Khaimah and his brother and his nephews. In
            August the Shaikh of Ras al Khaimah garrisoned his fort
            and strategic points in and around Ras al Khaimah stopping

                                                     /all traffic...............
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