Page 87 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 87


           Persian Golf Fighter Fund during the year. Towards the             the
           year, a meeting was held at-
           d\M?KS{ue for another year the contributions based on their imports

           and exportsj and ttusoat subjects also volunteered to make the soae
           contributions. The ladies of come communities did useful work.
           at knitting comforto for the troops*
                (c)o Publicity.

                     The publication of A1 Haqq continued, and the Gujerati
          paper Satya-Samachar became a weekly publication*
                (d)• Defence. .

                     (i).   V/ork on the wall and towers has been completed
          during the year.     Towers on the surrounding hills hajve not been
          repaired, but they would afford quite good protection as they are
          should it be found necessary to occupy them,      An additional four

          small sengars have been constructed by the Infantry at places
          considered most necessary.
                     Repairs to I&rani fort are now almost complete and the
          work remaining to he done la not of any vital importance from a

          defence point of view.
                     (11). Repairs to the forts along the Batlnah Coast have
                           * 1
          progressed very slowly, but the essential work, such as the outer
          walls, have in most cases been completed.

                     (ill). The defence launch arrived from Kuwait at the end
          of Hay.    A considerable amount of work remained to be done fitting
          it out for use and this has recently been completed.       The launch

          accompanied His Highness to Sur when he visited that place in
          August, and It also vent to Dhofar in October. Recently it has
                          .     •     ' T                ‘   ’!         y’
          carried out a reconnaissance patrol -along the coast - as far ns Has
          •X Haddi .

                     The arasaent of the launch ccnalsta of one llaxla gun.
          counted forward, end one Vickera Berthler gun, which can be used to
          fire in any direction*     Teste eo far carried out have been eatiafacr

          cry, but the gunners still require a good deal’ of practice* .
                                                      Sd./ J.B,Howes C6i't*4a»
                                                 Political Agent, Kuooat*
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