Page 96 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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Shaikh Salman bin Hamad C*I,E. (on idiom the K.C.I.E* was con
fer rod in the Hew Tear*a Day Honoura List, 1943)* Hio Royal
Highness the Duke of Glouoeater passed through Bahrain on 6th
June and again on 16th July* A net total of 891518 tona of
crude oil waa produced by tho Bahrain Petroleum Company during
the year, resulting in payment of Ss* 26,78,462 in royaltiea to
the Bahrain Government, Considerable passive air defence
measures in the oilfields and refinery were effected* Petroleum ;
ConoeeBiona Ltd* suspended operations in ^atar in June* Industrial
conscription for certain essential undertakings was enforced by
a Defence Regulation*
Except for a brief visit to India the Sultan of Muscat
spent the whole year in Dhofar. The most important work of the
year was the development in the face of considerable difficulties
of the Southern Arabian Air Route, with aerodromes at Ras al Hadd.
Masirah and Salalah usable by the largest and speediest aircraft
of the R.A.P* and the United States Army Air Corps, and the
posting of their detachments and of R*A*F* Levies at these
aerodromes* The increase in work necessitated the appointment
in May of an Assistant Political Agent, normally resident in
Salalah* The tribal situation continued <iuiet throughout the
year* The Maria Theresa thaler, which is the local currency,
appreciated greatly during the year in terms of the rupee,
resulting in hardship to those paid in rupee salaries* In May
Muscat was linked by cable to Aden affording an alternative
outlet for the Persian Gulf cable system*
Companies of R.A.P* Levies for the guarding of aero
dromes were raised during the year at Bahrain, Sharjah, Dubai
and Gwadur.
On the Persian side there prevailed throughout the year
a heavy shortage of food supplies resulting in famine condition*
in outlying districts, Transport facilities deolined as mors
motor vehioles were laid up for lack of tyres and spares* With
the smoeptlon of ths districts of Hlat Baud and Urawl GoY«rnment
Authority in ths hinterland waa little mors than nominal and