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— piq.O-plAIAuil QjioII OlJQill U^l cf^oilhll piuioill cjxajjlijghio ojlojjlg ajj&jjl olgool ]J

               ^ ^u-ji                               <> jj>Uj .<» 1783 j# 23 ^                   J‘ ^13Li-1 ^ - 1


               jttaLaou .^jXLiAill  uU_>l.“l ^kUJI            ^jaLoII        j ^ALkiuJLl ^Alyjl                           -2
               ^jjUI Ai~i^o ^
                                    ib^liiJ.1 J .^2006 .57-56 JO .^jLUl jLiu .julb £*A*uiJI ■ ■ ■ — 3 .Lwljj : J^JU j

                                                                             .^jLuJI wjIoSJI j ^UaLaJI ^^Ijlj ^Uai

               .JjVl JAxll .(jJ^oil iijJJ ijAjjliJI     JSja .Zlujll ZL^a .Jj^auJI ^ JUu^aII     £jjlj ,>> ota-Aua - 3

                                                        .Iajju L»j 1 34  <|» 1982 jxlfx .-A 1402 .(jLuojj «JjVl rt'u.ill

               4 Rentz, G. «DJABRIDS.» Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: P. Bcarman,
                    Tli. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, and W.P. Heinrichs, Brill, 2007, Brill

               5 - Juan R. I. Colo, «Rival Empires of Trade and Imami Shiism in Eastern Arabia, 1300-
                    1800”, International Journal of Mid i East Studies. Vol. 19, No. 2. (May, 1987), pp.
                    177203-, through jstor.

               6 - Arabian Gulf Intelligence, Extract. ; Memoranda on the resources, localities, and
                   relations of the tribes inhabiting the Ait-b' an shores of the Persian Gulf By Lieutenant A.
                   B. Kemball. Bombay Artillery, Assistant Resident at Bushire, Submitted to Government
                   on 6 January 1845, Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government, No. XXIV,
                   New Series, 1856, concerning Arabia. Bahrain, Kuwait, Muscat and Oman, Qatar,
                   United Arab Emirates, and the Islands of the Gulf, p!04 - 107.

               —1813)       jj i iidiw JI jj - »"<l     jjiaj Jl jjl Sjjl jJI oLcl^-oJ'j Ala.^1.1 dJj Joxolij

                                                                         .273-260 Lyo            jujUiij Sj^LuuVi (1890

               f1875 jjijx* 27      67—244 aji_ujj ^a *ii^ai             ^^                      3 *-**°.^1               -^

               AjjLijJI yb j iwA ^ 1839 ^Jla 7 iij^s JjjA ^3-U.I galaJI ^                        42 iJLuij ^ ^

                                                                                                        lt*h J*1

               P775. Indian Foreign Department Proceedings p364; Precis of Correspondence
               regarding the affairs of the Persian gulf 18011853- by J.A. Saldanha. Calcutta
               1906. p203.

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               10 - Extracts from brief notes containing historical and other information connected with
                   the islands of Bahrein and other ports and places in the Persian Gulf; prepared in the
                   year 1818 by Captain Robert Taylor, Assistant Political Agent in Turkish Arabia, from
                   selections from the records of the Bombay Government, No. XXIV, New Series, 1856.

               11- R/1571/1/, Bushire Residency Files. Hennell to Willoughby, no. 15,
                    2 March 1839, pp7778-.

               12 - Lorimer, Gazetteer, Part 7, Volume II, Geographical-Statistical, pp237238-




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