Page 156 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 156


                                       Estimate far the Year 1883-8‘i—concluded.

                                                              Value in
                              Article*.           Quantity.           To wlni place chiefly exported.
                   Fish, small, for manuro       143 bahrs      2,575  Mauritius.
                   Fish, Sounds                15,200           3,025  India,
                    Shark Fiui                   835 bags       6,600  Do.
                    Pearls ....                                45.000   Do.
                    Mother-o'-Pearl              140 candies    9,045  Do.
                   Cotton                        160 bales      13,100  Do.
                     „ Fabrics .                 005 boxes     79,595  Zanzibar, Yemen, &c.
                     ,, Seeds
                    Rose Leaves                  300 bags       *1,700  India, Africa, &c.
                     ,, Water                   1,150 karbas    1,285      Ditto.
                    Pomegranate Skins and Seeds   25 bags         600  India.
                    Henna ....                   480 „          1,800 Persian Gulf and Basra.
                    Opium ....                    18 chests     8,000  Zanzibar.
                    Wheat ....                  4,000 bags      12.000  India, &c.
                    Rico ....                  55,000 „        186,900 Persian Gulf.
                    Jo ware© ....                900 „           2,000  Mekran coast.
                    Barley ....                                          • ••
                    Moong ....                    • ••
                    Ghee ....                     70 skins       1,400  Mauritius and Butineb.
                    Sugar ....                   652 bags       10,900  Persian Gulf.
                    Salt ....                  13,500 balirs    20,000  India and Singapore.
                    Red Ochre                    425   „          700  India.
                    Madder ....                   30 bags         200  India and 'Oman.
                    Assafoelida                   35 „            300  India.
                    Garlic ....                    9 skins        500   Do.
                    Musk ....                    200 boxes        700  Persian Gulf.
                    Aloes, Wood                    7 „           2,lu0   Ditto.
                    Incense ....                  85 „           1,200   Ditto.
                    Shunna ....                   Ml
                    Aloes ....                     3 boxes        900  India.
                    Senna Leaves                  95 bags         300  India and Persian Gulf.
                    Dragon's-blood .
                    Budrbud ....                 350 bags         500  Red Sea ports.
                    Reed Pens                     20 bundles      300  India.
                    Goats* Hair                  150 bales       1,020  Uusrah:
                    Cowries ....                 375 bags         520  India.
                    Hulwah ....                  .125 boxes      2,970  India and Persian Gnlf.
                    Otto of Roses .                7             2.500  India and Mauritius.
                    Canvas, Arabian              250 rolls       1.500   Red Sea & Persian Gulf.
                    Rafters ....                 500 scores      1,800  Persian Gulf.
                    Planks ....                        • ••               Ml   • ••  • M
                    Donkeys ....                 205 in No.     *6,200  India and Mauritius.
                    Oil, Kerosine . .    .     10,930 cases     17,200  Persian Gulf.
                    Cloves ....                 1,070 bags      12,800 India.
                    American Cloth.              225 bales      14,500  Persian Gulf.
                    Wool                         218 „           1,950  India.
                    Rifles                         8 boxes       1,200 Persian Gulf.
                    Ebony                         • ••  ■ •••   • ••
                    Paper                          9 boxes        350  Persian Golf.
                    Mat Bags                  :  1,500 bundles   3,000  India.
                    Miscellaneous Articles        •••  •••      30,000

                                     Total        IN   • •• '  1,370,676
                                    8pzoib        • ft  w.     225,000

                            GRAND TOTAL           IN   IN     1,604,676
   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161