Page 157 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 157


                              Estimate for the Year 1883-841

                                                       Value in
        From        Abticlm.              Quantity.    Dollars.   Rem arks.

           Rice, Bengal              110,600 bags      6 SO,000
            „ Malabar                  2,150 moorabs     4,318
            „ Red                       275 bags          71U
           Wheat .                      3M „             6,035
           Bajree .                      16 ,,             45
           Jowaree                     1,365 „           2,385
           Dh all  .                     07 „             260
           Sugar                       5,654 „          66,220
           Sugar-candy                  102 „             950
           Jagree                         0 „              30
           Coffee                      2,745 „          41,960
           Tea                           75 bundles   !   100
           Pepper                       274 bags         4,255
           Turmeric                     304 „            2,160
           Cardamoms                     24 boxes        3,050
           Cinnamon                     462 „            2,885
           Ginger, Dry                   15 bags          115
           Nutmegs                       10  boxes        375
           Betel-nuts                    50 bags          285
           Cocoanuts, Fresh            5,500 in No.        90
                   Dry                   19  bags          75
           Tamarind                     312 moorahs       815
           Monkey-nuts .                569 bags         2,903
           Musk                          20  dultbas     1,350
           Aloes, 'Wood .                11  boxes       2,175
           Frankincense                 302 „            4,160
           Sandalwood Chips             121 „            2,510
        2  Camphor                       26 „             250
        *  Gooraccoo                     28 casks          85
           Cotton, Damaged              209 bales         510
                 Stuff .               1,144 „         1,11,340
             „ Cloth, blue .            151 „           49,805
           Turkey Red                   359 „           10,250
           Handkerchiefs, Coloured       15 „            2,260
           Chintz .                     HI „            27,060
           Twist                        428 boxes       32,110
           Cotton Yarn •                  4 » »»        30,225
           Broadcloth                     8 bales        1,065
           Shawls and Loongles            5 „             545
           Silk                          22 *           30,405
           Silk Goods   .'               41  boxes       9,880
           Gold Thread  .                19 „           10,225
           Hemp                         483 bags         2,130
           Twine                          4 bundles        80
           Gunnies    .    .             22 bales         675
           Rope, Coir                    54 bundles       865
            Copper .                     89 boxes        5,630
           Tin and Dead ,   ,          1,055 „           6,055
            Sf«l .                       60 „             160
            Brass .   .                  38 „            1,576
           Iron-wares   Me   %         1,775 „           3,245
            Dyes                         30 casks         175
            Indigo .                      6 bags          485
            Oil# Sweet   ,             4,037 casks      20,625
            »» Kcrosine  .               850 cases       1,480
            Candles .   ,   ' .          30 boxes          205
            Oilsocds .                   42 bogs           190
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