Page 191 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 191

                       RESIDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POU 1881-85.

         arc, nevertheless, coveted by others, and they are sometimes ill-treated and robbed by the
         Kowasirn and Beui Yar Arabs.
            Hcllaoiycb was occupied as a station in 18C1 for the ltcd Sea and Karachi Telegraph,
         but was abandoned on the failure of that cable in 1862. The guano, for the sake of which the
         cession of these islands was obtained iu 1854, has long since been removed, and vessels now
         rarely touch here.
            The last place visited by the Dragon was Has Sharbcdat. This part of the coast it
         inhabited by the Jencbch tribe, who wander here during the cold weather with their flocks and
         herds for convenience of pasturage, and return to Jaalan in the summer. There are three
         fresh-water lakes in this neighbourhood.
            Tlie Political Agent returned to Muscat on the 28th December 1884.
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