Page 227 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 227


        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into Jin shire during
                             the Tears 1883 and 1881—concluded.

                                           Fon thb Ykabb
                                                           Inert arc in   Doer cam in
                    Class.                                   1881.   1834.
                                         1883.     1881.
                                          R          R       R        R
        Tobacco, Manufactures of          3,200      4,000     800
        Timber and Wood .                 49.000    28,100            20,900
        Wax, Bees'                        1,000              • ••      1,000
        Wool                              18.000    15,000             3,000
        Woollen Goods                   2,14,700   2,35,000  20,300
        Other kinda .                     11,500    22,100   10,600

                           Total      1,35,07,200  99,90,300  10,75,600  45,92,500
                           SrECiE       2,32,000   1,07,650  • ••    1,24,350

               GRAND TOTAL            1,37,39,200  1,00,97,950  10,75,600  47,16,850

                                    TABLE No. 9.
        Contrasted Statement showing the Value ami Description of Goods exported from Bushire during
                                 the Years 1883 and 1834.

                                          Fob tub Yeabs
                                                           Increase in   Decrennc in
                                        1833.      1634.     18S-L    1834.
                                          R          R        R        R
        Animals, Living ^ .              78,050     54,150            23,900
        Apparel, Wearing* .               5,000      2,000             3,000
        Arms and Ammunition               15,800     6,000             9,300
        Beads and Amber
        Books and Printed Matter          '*8,200   12,500    4,300
        Building Materials .                          300      300
        Candles                          "3,000                        3,000
        Canes and Rattans .
        Canvas                                        100      100
        Carriages                           300      1,600    1,300
        Cattle                            3,S00     50,000   46,200
        Clocks and Watches                  200                         200
        Coal ...                                                       •••
        Cocoanuta                                             • ••     • ••
        Coffee                            3,450     • ••               3,450
        Coir and Coir Rope                            200      200     • ••
        Confectionery Preserves .        "S.OOO      4,050    1,050    • ••
        Cotton Goods .                   20,300     21,800    1,500
             Thread and Twist .           6,500     • ••               6,500
             Raw .                      3,35,000   7,87,500  4,52,500  • ••
        Dates     ,                      23,000     66,330   42,430
        Date Juice   ,   ,   #                                •••      • ••
        Drugs and Medicines              48,750    1,00,130  51,380
        Dyeing and Colouring Materials   62,660     60,670             6,080
        Earthenware                                   100      ICO     • ••
        Fruits and Vegetables ]         1,86,160   1,24,650           61,600
        Fuel t                            1,000               tee      1,000
        Furniture   #   *   \            • ••          50     ee«  50
       gkyand Glassware                   1,900       500              tM
        Gold Embroidered Cloth ,                              eee
                                         eee        •m        tee      tee
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