Page 228 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 228


                        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Du shire dnrlm~
                                               the Yean 1S83 and 1881—continued.            3
                                                          Fob tub Ykahs
                                                                            Increase in   Decrease in
                                    Class.                                   1884.     1834
                                   ]                     1683.     1884
                                                          a          a         a       a

                        Gold Lace                          6,500                        0,600
                         „ Thread, &c.                     8,COO              • • •     8,600
                        Grain and Pulse                 8/21,400   4,27,350           8,04,050
                        Gum                                6,050     64,730   48,780   • • •
                        Hardware and Cutlery               2,300                        e,soo
                        Hides and Skins                   17,100     39,760   22,660   • ••
                        Indigo                             4,000       800              3,200
                        Jewelry                             600       6,500    6,000
                        Jute, Haw                                             • ••
                         „ Manufactures of                 8,000                        8,000
                        Leather, Manufactures of           4,000     2,500    • ••      1,500
                        Lemons, Dry .                       400                          400
                        Lemon Juice                         450        200    • ••       250
                        Liquors, Wines and Spirits         2,700      2,830     130    • ••
                        Lucifero %                          300               • ••       300
                        Mats                               7,000       120              7,380
                        Metals                            24,400     10,650            13,750
                         „ Manufactures of                 7,800      3,400             4,400
                        Mill-stones                                           • ••
                        Oil                                1,000      1,210     240
                        Opium                           33,68,200  33,00,000           62,200
                        Paints and Colours .   .                              • ••
                        Pearls                                      *2,000     2,000    • ••
                        Perfumery                         S3,450     39,580   •••      43,830
                        Porcelain and Chinaware             400                          400
                        Provisions and Oilman's Stores    23,000    *65,850   31,750
                        Salt .    .   .    .             • • •      • ••      • ••      • • •
                        Saltpetre '   .                  • ••
                        Seeds ....                        40,250     48,480    8,230
                        Shark Fins L;i.                    2,000              • ••      2,000
                        Shells, M other-o'-Pearl           1,000    "*2,000    •500
                        Silk, Raw                       3,45,300   1,42,900   • ••    2,02*400
                         n  Manufactures of               11,700                       11,700
                        Spices                             3,500               • ••     3,500
                        Stationery                                     200      200     • ••
                        Sugarcandy                          500                •••       600
                        Sugar Crushed                                          • ••
                          „ Loaf                           1,550     24,180   22,630    • ••
                          „ Soft                           7,650       650     • ••     6,900
                       Tallow                             10,000       750     • ••     9,250
                       Tea                                 3,200       350              2,850
                       Tobacco                          4,31,600   4,66,050   34,450    • ••
                          „ Manufactures of                 200                • ••       200
                       Timber and Wood .                                      • • •
                       Wax, Bees' •                        1,150      1,700     550     •••
                       Wool .                              4,800     14,850   10,060    • #•
                       Woollen Goods                    3,93,000   1,96,800    • ••   1,96,200
                       Other kinds ,                      27,000     29,500    2,600    • ••

                                           Total       64,90,300   61,69,850  7,92,080  11,12,630
                                           Bfecik       8,82,000   6,04,720    • ••   3,17,280

                                  GRAND TOTAL           73,72,300  67,34,570  7,92,080  14,29,810
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