Page 353 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 353
r.„trailed Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into Lingah during
the gears 1694 and 1335—concluded.
Fob tub Ybab
Increase in Dccmuc is
Clam. 1885. 1835.
1834. 1885.
It R R R
Shark Fins . • 8,800 7,200 • •• 1,600
Shells, Mother-o -Pearl 1,49,000 1,32,400 16,600
Silk, Raw . 7,0(10 10,200 3,200
Manufactures of 17.850 36,600 18,750
Spices ... 64.850 99,300 34,450
Stationery 6,000 7,200 600
Sugar Candy 13,900 21,000 7,600
„ Crushed
„ Loaf* . *6,400 *8,300 1,900
„ Soft . 39,500 58,900 19,400
Tallow , 9.000 9,900 900
Tea 7.000 12,200 5,200
Tobacco l,43,7<-0 1,67,000 18,300
„ Manufactures of 30 30
Timber and Wood . 60,600 47,500 13,100
Wax, Bees' • • 150 350 200
Wool 3,000 2,700 300
Woollen Goods 1,37,050 1,56,700 19,650
Other kinds . 4,200 3,450 750
Total 62,57,9S0 69,36,900 8,39,050 1,60,130
Specie 25,63,000 24,51,000 1,17,000
GRAND TOTAL 88,2 5,9S0 93,87,900 8,39,050 2,77,130
TABLE No. 12.
Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goode exported from Lingah during
the years 18S4 and 1935.
Fob ths Ybab
Increase in Deeresse in
Class. 1685. 1885.
1834. 1885.
B B B &
Animals, living . 3.600 4.600 900 • ••
Apparel, Wearing . 3,900 4,100 200
Arms and Ammunition 5,300 6.600 1,200
Beads and Amber 1,700 850 • •• 850
Books and Printed Matter 2.600 3,200 600 • ••
Building Materials 1,600 2,900 1,300 •••
Candles 1,450 1,800 350
vanes and Rattans . 50 60
Canvas 18,000 28,000 10,000 M,
Cattle I ^ 16,500 22,000 5,500 • ••
Clocks and Watches 500 1,600 1,100
Coal 4,000 4,000
Cocoanuts 5.500 6,950 450 • tl
Coffee , 68,000 67,400 0,400 • ••
Coir and Coir Rope ] 8.500 12,600 4.000
r ”fect^Q"7 Preserves 300 600 300 •••
Cotton Goods 8,36,700 10,66,800 2,28,100
•• JBread and Twist 16,000 16,300 ••• 300
B»w . . 8,900 9,900 1.000
73,000 65,700 7,300
; • 1,100 1,600 500
""S* »»d MMioiaei 24,550 30,900 8,350 •M