Page 356 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 356


                                   Altlratt Talle Mowing the Total Estimated Value of the Principal and other
                                                                  From other
                                    Asncus.               From   Enrojxin or   From Iudhu  Prom Java.
                                                         England.  Arnmean
                                                                  Conn trice.
                                                           a        ft       ft       ft

                      Animals, Living •                    sos
                      Apparel, Wearing .                                     6,000
                      Arms and Ammunition •                                           • ••
                      Beads and Amber .                                               oos
                      Books and Printed Matter                                        • ••
                      Building Materials
                      Candles   .   •                      oos               1,500
                      Canes and Rattans                                      Ml       • ••
                      Canvas ...                                             • M
                      Cattle «   •   .   •                                   • ••     • ••
                      Clocks and Watches                   3,000             2,000    • ••
                      Coal ....
                      Cocoanuts •                                            2,500
                      Coffee ....                                            3.000    • ••
                      Coir and Coir Rope •
                      Confectionery Preserves .                              *8,000
                      Cotton Goods                       4,00,000          7,50,000
                        u   Thread and Twis              2,50,000          2,00,000   • • •
                        n Raw-                                               2.000
                      Dates .                                                         • ••
                      Date Juice .
                      Drugs and Medicines                  1,000             8,000
                      Dyeing and Colouring Materials                         2,000    SOS
                      Earthenware .                                                   oos
                      Fruits and Vegetables                • ••              1,500    oos
                      Furniture .   •                      •••
                      Glass and Glassware •   •                              5,000    • ••
                      Gold Embroidered Cloth.                                5.000
                        * Lace •                                             • ••
                        „ Thread....                       2,500             2.500    sos
                      Gram and Pulse ...                                    30.000    oos
                      Gum .                                ooo
                      Hardware and Cutlery                                   *7,000   • ••
                      Hides and Skins .                                      4.000    • ••
                      Indigo ' .                                           2,75,000
                      Jute, Raw .   .                                        1.500    •••
                        „ Manufactures of                                   15.000
                      Leather, Manufactures o              1,500             1,600    sss
                      Lemons, Dry                         sos                • ••     • ••
                      Lemon Juice.   .                                                • ••
                      Liquors, Wines, and Spirits          3,000             7,000    2,000
                      Lucifers                                              • ••      Ml
                      Mats .                                                 5,000
                      Metals   • •                        15,000            75,000
                           Manufactures of                                            ooo
                      Millstones .                                                   • ••
                      Ofl .    .    %                     oos                        • ••
                      Opium .       .   .                 SOS                        sot
                      Paints and Colours .
                      Pearls ....                                                    sot
                     Perfumery •   •    •                 SOS                        • St
                     Porcelain and Chin aware •           sss                        sss
                     Provisions and Oilman's Stores       soo                        • so
                     8alfc .       t                      OOO
                     8altpetre                                                       MO
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