Page 364 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 364


                                                  TABLE No. 18.

                      Statement t ho ring the quantity of Opium exported from Bunder Abbaufrom Ut January to 31st
                                                   December 1885.
                                                                           To Loxdok.
                                                                          No. of Chest*.
                             By the Steamers of the British Indiaa Steam Navi­
                                gation Company, Limited........................................  240
                             By the Steamers of the Bombay and Pereia Steam
                                Navigation Company, Limited .                500

                                                                Total.       740

                                                  TABLE No. 17.

                      Contrasted Statement showing the Vaiue and Description of Goods imported into Bunder Abbass
                                             during the years 1884 and 1885.

                                                         Fob tub Teas
                                                                          Increase in
                                  Class.                                           Decrease in
                                                                           1885.     1885.
                                                       1884.      1885.
                                                       a          b          B        B
                      Animals, Living                    9,400     7,500              1,900
                      Appaxel, Wearing .                 5.000      6,000    1,000
                      Arms and Ammunition
                      Beads and Amber                    2.000     3,000     i’,ooo
                      Books and Printed Matter
                      Building Materials •              *9,000     1,500              7,500
                     Candles.                            2,000                        2,000
                      Canes and Rattans .                                            • ••
                     Canvas .                          •••
                     Cattle .
                      Clocks and Watches                 5,200     5,600      300
                      Cocoanuts ...                      *2,500   ***8,500   1,000
                     Coffee •                            3,700     4.000      300
                     Coir and Coir Rope                   500                          600
                     Confectionery Preserves •                    * *8,000   8,000
                     Cotton Goods’.                   13,01,500  11,50,000         1,51,500
                        „ Thread and Twist             5,00,000  4,50,000            50,000
                        „ Raw •      •   •                500      2.000     1,600
                     Dates          •                    6,000                       *6,000
                     Date Jnice .   .                                                •••
                     Drags and Medicines                 *8,500    10,000    1,500
                     Dyeing and Colouring Materials       200      2,000     1,800
                     Earthenware •   •   •
                     Fruits and Vegetables •             1,600     ‘1,500            • ••
                     Fuel •     •    •   •               7,800                        7,800
                     Furniture •    «                    6,000    • ••                6,000
                     Glass and Glassware                13.000     7,000    • #*      6,000
                     Gold Embroidered Cloth .           10.000     12,500    2,600
                       „ Lace •      •   •               1,600                        MOO
                       „ Thread, &e.   •                10,000     6,000              6,000
                     Grain and Pulse   ,   ,            46,000     38,000            12,000
   359   360   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369