Page 367 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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          Contracted Statement showing the Value and Description of (joodt exported from Bunder Abbas t
                           during the years 1881 and 1885—concluded.

                                           Fob tub Yrab
                                                            lucre** in   Deere*:.* in
                     Clam.                                    1645.    1886.
                                         1881.      1885.
                                          a          a         R        a

         Shark Pins                       • ••
         Shulls, Molher-o*-Pearl
         Silk, Raw                        12,000                       12,000
           „ Manufactures of              30,000     40,000   10,000
         Spices .
         Sugar Candy
           n Crushed                                 •••
           „ Loaf  .
           „ Soft  .   .
         Tallow .
         Tobacco                          28,000     36,500    8,500
            „ Manufactures of
         Timber and AVood .
         Wax, Bees*
         Wool .                          2,00,200 I   2,50,000  40,800
         Woollen Goods                   1,30,S00 I   1,22,300          8,800
         Other kinds                       8,000      5,000             3,000
                            Total       24,98,750  23,7G,400   1,45,100   2,67,450
                            Specie       1,55,000  15,00,000  13,45,' 00
                   GRAND TOTAL          26,53,750  38,76,400  14,90,100  2,67,450

                                    TABLE No. 19.

            Table showing Tonnage of Vessels entering and leaving the Port of Bunder ALbass during
                                  twelve months in 1885.
                              Clm A—European ; Class B—Native Craft

                                                       Number entered
                        Where Trading or Description.              Total Tonnage.
                                                         and cleared.
         a   Squared-rigged, India and the Colonies            1 1      560
                 Do., Java ...
         c.  Steamers of the B. I. S. N. Co. (Mail Service)   104     95,000
         1       Do. Bombay and Persian S. N. Co.             36      21,360
                 Do. Persian Gulf S. N. Co.                   2 2     24,640
          I       Do. Mesnier and Co.                         12      12,240
             Miscellaneous Steamers ....                       2       1,960
                                              Total          178     156,560

         i   India  .   •                                     20       1,600
         u   Aden  •   .    •   •                              8        720
         ©   Muscat and Dependencies .   .                   300       6,700
             Arab Coast, Persian Gulf, Bahrein               150
         •■s                                                          2,250
         £   Persian Coast, Mekran *                         200      2,000.
          I  Koweit, Busrah, and Katif                       100      8,600
         «                                                    10        850

                                             Total           788     21,620
                                    GRAND TOTAL              GG6     178,180

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