Page 407 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 407
The Arab sub-divisions of the “ chao " aro as follows
100 mczoor= 1 dokra.
10,000 „ = 100 „ =1 chao.
The following arc the nominal sub-divisions of an Indian miskal (a pure weight convert
ible into "cliao "):—
dokra= 1 anna.
25 „ = * „ = X dfin.
100 v == ^ 0 n = 4 „ =1 rati.
2400 „ =384 „ =90 „ =24 „ = 1 miskal or t£nk.
The nominal sub-divisions of an Arab Surati miskal (a pure weight convertible into
« chao”) arc as follows
60 habbah=l miskal.
The nominal 6ub-divisions of an Arab mashad miskal (a pure weight convertible into !
“ toman ”) are as follows :— I
20 danik = l mashad miskal.
The sub-divisions of the a turaan” (a measure of value having a ratio to tize and weight)
are as follows:—
100 Mahomedi=l turaan.
Rote.—The “ turnan ” is to the mashad miskal what the" ebao " is to the Indian or other
Arab miskals,— t.e., it is a measure of the value of the average quality of a parcel of pearls.
The use of Iho mashad miskal and “ turaau ” will hereafter be explained.
It will be seen presently that the nominal ratios of the various weights to each other are
purely nominal, but I think it best now to show the mode of calculating the "chao ” of a pearl
(or parcel of pearls) from its (or tlieir) weights.
5. The Indian method (simplified) of finding the number of "chao” in a pearl is to mul
tiply the square of the weight in rath (the unit) of the pearl by *}-J (if the total " ebao ** of a
parcel of pearls (all of the same size) be required, the square of the number of ratis weight of
the parcel multiplied by must be divided by the number of pearls in the parcel, and if the
" chao ” of one pearl of such parcel be required, the " chao ” of the whole parcel must also be
divided by the number of pearls in the parcel).
Example I.—Supposing we have a tingle pearl weighing one Indian miskal =24 ratis
(nominally), the sum is as follows:—
(¥)’ x ff = X f$ = 330 chao.
Example II.—If we have a single pearl weighing 8 ratis=J miskal (nominally), the sum
is as follows :—
(f)1 X y-J = i X 95 = 5 chao, 15 dokras, 10 badams.
Example III.—If we have a pearl weighing (nominally) I miskal =(nominaIly) 6 ratis,
the sura is as follows .•—
(•})* X iS-f = X tHS' = 20 chao, 62 dokras, 8 badfims.
Example IY.—If wchave a parcel of 830 pearls (all of the tame sice) weighing one miskal
(=24 ratis), the sum is &s follows j—
(V)’ Xi|-J-JF=if4X|iX-k=l “ chao."
From tho above it will he 6een that of two pearls of precisely the same quality, ey., say
of quality worth R25 per "chao/’ that weighing one miskal= (nominally) 24 ratis would be
worth R8,250, while that weighing only 3 ratIs=norainally miskal would be worth only
R128-14-6, and a parcel of 830 pearls (all of one 6ize) weighing one raiskal would be worth
only R25 for the whole parcel, and one of the pearls of such parcel be worth only 1 anna
2 pie*.
6. The Arab method (simplified) of finding the number of “ chaos’* in a pearl is to multi*
ply tho square of the weight in halbaht (the unit) of the pearl by the result being in
“dokras,” vis,, hundredths of a ** chao” and then to add to the result so obtained, as a correc
tion, the hundredth part of the said result, so as to bring it up to the proportion of 330 M ohao **
in a pearl weighing one miekaL