Page 409 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 409


             In ft full set of Arab Suratco weights there are tlio following:—
                       1 two       miskal weights,
                        1 ono       do.   do.
                        1 half      do.   do.
                        1 quarter   do.   do.
                        1 ten liabbah    do.
                        1 nine do.       da
                        1 eight do.      da
                        1 seven do.      da
           The place of the 6ix habbah is supplied by the £ danik weight of the mash ad miskal 9 V.
                        1 five babbah weight.
                        1 four do.   do.
                        1 three do.   do.
                        I two do.   do.
                        1 one do.   do.
           Wheat and rice grains are used for sub-divisions of the habbak as of the rati.
           In a set of maskad miskal weights, there are the following
                        1 one    mashad miskal weight,
                        1 half     do.   do.   do.
                        1 quarter   da   da   da
                        1 two danik     do.   do.
                        1 one do.       do.   do.
                        1 half do.      do.   do.
              8. In the tables of weights given in paragraph 4 it ii stated thas 24 ratis, &c.,&c., or
           08 kabbahs or 20 daniks = 1 miskal (Iudian) Arab Suratee and mashad miskals respectively,
           but this will be found to be true of the sub-divisional and multiple weights of none of them,
           not as far as very careful weighing shows, of even those of the Poona weights, which are
           generally considered to be substantially correct according to their nominal equivalent values-
           For if wo possessed a sufficient stock of Bombay 1 rati weights, and of Bahrein and Katr 1
           babbali weights, and of Bahrein and Katr mashad 1 danik weights to weigh against their
           respective 1 miskal weights, we*should find that about 16 (not 24) Bombay ratis, also about 45
           (not 6G) Bahrein liabbahs, also about 35 (not 66) Katr habbaks, also about 15 (not 20) Bahrein
           or Katr mashad daniks = 1 miskal of their respective standards.
              Two sets of Poona miskal weights weighed by me were as follows, in English grains
                                                             1 I 8
                 2  miskal weight   .....                   137*   137*
                 1   do. do........................................  68}   68-}
                  | do. do.      .....                       3iJ    3+*
                  J do. do.      .....                       17*    17*
                 3  rati do. .       •    .   •   .           H      »
                 2  da   do.........................................  6|   61
                 1 do.   do.........................................  H   *1
             Note.—No. 1 had also & one rati weight = 3* grains.
             ' Two sets of Bombay Basaree miskal weights weighed by me were &s follows, in English
                                                             i 1     »
                 6  miekal weight   •   .   .   •   •      . 364   364}
                 2   do.   da    ,   .    ,    .   .       • 143   147
                 1   da   do.    •   •    •   •   .        . T4 74*
                  I  do.   da                              . 33     38*
                  k  do.   do.   ,   ...                   . 10}   20|
                 3  rati   do.   .   ,    •    •   •       . 1J*   U*
                 2 ' do.   do.   ,   .   .                 • H       61
                 1  do.   do.    •   «    •    .   •       • H Hi
             Note.*-No. 1 had also a one rati weight of 6* grains.
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