Page 50 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                              APPENDIX A to PART III,
                                      CONSISTING OF TIIE FOLLOWINQ TABULAR STATEMENT.
                             1, Abstract tablo showing the total estimated valuo of the principal and ether articles of
                          trade imported into Bushire daring the year 1882.
                             2.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                          trade exported from Bushire during the year 1883.
                             8. Statement of shipment of Opium from the Port of Bushirc during the year 1883.
                             4. Statement of shipment of Opium from the Port of Bunder Abbass during tho year
                             5.  Contrasted statement shotting the value and description of goods imported into Bushire
                          during the years 1882 and 18S3.
                             6.  Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods exported from Bushire
                          during the yearn 1882 and 1SS3.
                             7. Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the port of Bushire
                          during the year 1883.
                             8.  Return of British shipping at the Port of Busliirc during the year 1SS3.
                             9.  Return of Foreign shipping at the Port of Bu.diirc during the year 1883.
                             10.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                          trade imported into Lingah during the year 13S3.
                             11. Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                          trade exported from Lingali daring the year 1883.
                             12.  Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods imported into Lingah
                         during the years 1882 and 1SS-3.
                             13.  Contrasted statement showing the value ar.d description of goods exported from
                          Liugah during the years 1SS2 and 1883.
                             14. Table showing the av-rage tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Port of Lingah
                         during the year 1883.
                             15.  Abstract tabic showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles
                         of trade imported into Bunder Abbass during the year 1883.
                             16.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                          trade exported from Bunder Albass during the year 1883.
                             17. Table showing average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Port of Bunder
                         Abbass during the year 1888.
                             18.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                         trade imported into Bahrein during the year 1883.
                             19.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                         trade exported from Bahrein during the year 1883.
                             20.  Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
                         Bahrein during (he years 1882 and 1883.
                             21.  Contrasted statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
                         Bahrein during the years 1882 and 1883.
                             22. Table showing the average tonnage of vessels entering and leaving the Ports of
                         Bahrein during the year 1883.
                             23.  Abstract table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles of
                         trade imported into the Ports on the Arab (or 'Oman) Coast in tho Persian Gulf during the
                         year 1883.
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