Page 631 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                       TABLE No. 0.
                  Return of Principal Articles of Export from Shiraz, during the gear 1889.

                                             1889.                 188B.
                                        Quantity.  Value.    Quantity.   Vnlos.

                                                     B                     B

           Animals (horses)   •        660          84.000  600           75.000
           Cotton (raw)              62,860 Cwts.   9.68.000  57,140 Cwta.   9.28.000
           Drags and Medicines .      1.140   „     43,960   1,424   „    71,940             ■I
           Dyeing and Coloring Materials   2,200 „   31,680  2,428   „    27,600
           Fruit and Vegetable .     15,256   „    1,01,700 15,426   „   1,45,200
           Gum .      .    •   •      1,571   „      6,880   485          13,920
           Hides and Skins   •   •   64.000  Pieces  1,43,600  1,400 B'dles   1.24.000
           Opium ....                 2.000  Chests  26,52,000  5,000 Chests   34,20,000
           Perfumery (Rosewater)     40.000  Carboys  44.000   5,000   „   80.000
           Seeds ....                10,485 Cwts.   41,230 30,170   „    1,05,980
           Tobacco .                 21,428   „    4.20.000  17,140   „  3.81.000            i
           "Wool .     .   .   .      1,500   „     29,400 42,857   „    7.20.000
           Woollen goods (carpets)    1.000  Bales.  4,00,000  1,400 Bales  5,00,000
           Other articles •   •   •                 13,580                  6,720

                                                  49,80,030              66,62,360
                           Total                                                              I
                                       TABLE No. 10.
                   Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Shiraz, during the year 1889.

                                              1889.                 18S8.
                                        Quantity.   Value.    QottSty.    VaJoe.

                                                     B                      a
           Candles .   .              3,000 Chests   24,000  7,000 Chests   49.000
           Coffee                       571 Cwts.   30,400   642 Cwta.     28,800
           Cotton goods                           20,62,100              11,24,000
           Thread and Twist             250 B'dles   1,550   850 B'dles     5,780
           Drugs and Medicines .                   2,08,330                21,600
           Glass and Glassware .      1,300 Chests   23,440  2,150 Chests   31,400
           Gold embroidered cloth      500 Pieces   29,580   250 Pieces     4,950
           Gold Lace and Gold Thread   1.000  B'dles   8,000  2,000 Bodies   22.000
           Hardware and Cutlery         50 Chests    10,01)0  50 Chests    10,000
           Indigo .                   1,857 Cwta.  3,19,200  4,500 Cwts.
           Metals                                  2,52,480               8,04,800
           Oil (keroBine)  .          4.000  Chests  24.000 3,500 Chests   3^1,500
           Porcelain and China ware    950  „        95.000   1,000 „      25,200
           Silk, manufactures of       250 Pieces   38,080   550 Pieces   1/10,000
           Spices                     4,100 Cwts.   1,32,820  7,700 Cwta.   1,28,778
           Sugar, Loaf   •   .       32,850   „    7,26,160 15,000   „    3,02,400
              « Soft   .             35,714   „    6,50,000 41,428   „
           Tea                        1,900 Chests   1,41,400  1,830      6,91,200
           Woollen goods  .           1,725 Pieces   81,120       u       1,34.500
           "Hher articles   •   .                    36,830               1,30,340
                                          •••     47,91,990
                           Total                                         38,29,300
   626   627   628   629   630   631   632   633   634   635   636