Page 633 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 633


                                      TABLE No. 1ft.
                 Return of Principal Article t of Importt into Ling ah, during the year 1689.

                                          1889.                  1883.
                                   Quantity.    Valuo.     Quantity,   YalM.

                                                  &                       ft
          Animals, living •   •     229          11.500    274            9,850
          Apparel, wearing   •    7,000 Pieces   21,000   6,9U0 Pieces   17.700
          Arms and Ammunition •                   20,000                 16,760
          Books and Printed Matter   47 Chests    18.900                 10,300
          Building Materials      5.200 Tons      18,000  8,518 Tons     14.100
          Candles   .   •   •       900 Chests    8,100   1,200 Chests   10,800
          Canvas (Country)         1,142 Cwts.    61,650   786 CwU.      4K.900
          Cattle   •   •   •      14,000 Head     42.000   16,5(i0 Head   67.750
          Cocoanuts ....            560 Cwts.      9,000   482 Cwts.      7,200
          Coffee ....              6,300   „    2.08.500  4,500   „     2.24.000             .!
          Coir and Coir rope       3,600   „      43.200   2,893   „     30,UOO
          Cotton goods -   •   .   3,230 Bales  15,30,000  2,8o0 Bales   14.38.000
          Thread and Twist   •   •  1.200 Cwts.   48.000   763 Cwts.     4%,000              !
          Cotton, raw   •           900   „       18.000   715  n        15,800
          Dates   .    .       •  .  29,750   „   59.500  34,088   „     69.400
          Drugs and Medicines .   4,063   „       82.500  7,232   „      19,150
          Dyeing and Coloring Materials   6,000 „  30.000  2,083   „     26.750
          Earthenware                             19.300                 19.700
          Fruit and Vegetable      6,950 Cwts.    83,400  11,040 Cwts.   79,350
          Fuel    ....             8,500 Tous    68.000  10,506 Tons     74.900
          Furniture ....                          11.200                 12,600
          Gold embroidered cloth    loO Pieces     7,500   190 Pieces     9,500              j
            „ Lace and Gold Thread .   615 lb.    12.300   555 lb.       19,4 00
          Grain and Pulse .      126,000 Cwts.   7,9s 400  156,857 Cwts.   8.39.000          .
          Hardware and Cutlery       69 Chests    17,250    64 Chests    15,800
          Jute, and manufactures of               20,700  1,099 Cwts.    16,600
          Leather, manufactures of                14.000                 11.100
          Lemons, dry   •   •   •  1,34-0 Cwts.   12,060   804 Cwts.      8,000
          Mats    ....            32,2 50 Pieces   12.900  40,000 Pieces   16,000
          Metals .    .           2.700 Cwts.     38.000  1,744 Cwts.    32,500
            „ Manufactures of       200 „         14.000   371  II       16.400
          Oil                     M74 „           6S,590                 69.400
          Pearls   .   •   •                   44,60,1)00              63.26.000
          Perfumery.                              15.000                 15.000
          Porcelain and Chinaware   443 Cheats    17,720   425 Chests    16.900
          Provisions and Oilman-stores            91.500                1,00,450
          Salt .   .   .   • .    2,350 Tons      11.750  10,200 Tons    25,600
          Seeds                   1,000 Cwts.     17.000  1,567 CwU.     18.400
          Shells, Mother-o’*pearl.  10,782   „  1.78.000  9,570  „      1,28,100
          Silk, raw   .   •   .   1,105 lb.       11.050    15  »»        9,950
              Manufactures of .
            ,, . - - -----                        24.050                 33.000
          Spices                  3,125 Cwts.     93.750   4,628 CwU.    96.900
          Sugar, Candy .            550   „       13,200   700 M         15.000
            *  Loaf               3,200 „         57,600   »» ..         16.700
            *   Soft                              90.000  S.T86   „      80.000
          Tallow .                  521  o        12.500                 ujooe
          Tea .                     430 Chests    15.050   68![ »
                                                           329 Chests
          Tobacco                 18,000 Carta.  2.16.000  24,643 CwU.   11.400
          Timber and Wood                         68.500                2,46,900
          Woollen goods .           240 Bales   2.39.500   230 Pks.     2,85,800
          Other articles                          72.750
                       Total          • ••     90,70,370              1,08,49,360
                       Specie                  23,08,000     • ••      26,84,800

              GRAND TOTAL             •••     1,13,78,370             1,35,34,150
   628   629   630   631   632   633   634   635   636   637   638