Page 637 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 637


                                     TABLE No. 19.
         Statement showing tie Quantity of Opium exported from Bunder Abbot from lit January la
                                   3Ut December 1889.

                                                                    To Hong.Kodf.
                             By whax STKAjeraa.
                                                                    No. of Chert*.
         By steamers of the British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited ,   147
         By steamers of the Bombay and Persia Steam Navigation Company, Limited.  1,555

                                                         Total        1,800

                                    TABLE No. 20.
                 Return of Principal Articles of Export from Bahrain during the year 1889.

                                            1889.                 188A
                                      Quantity.   Value.    Quantity.   Value.

                                                   fi                    B
                                      48 Horses            39 Horses                         i|
                                   { 105 Donkeys }        121 Donkeys }  41,630
         Animals •                    73 Camels   35,500   85 Camels
         Arm8 and Ammunition                       19.100                19,340
         Canvas ...                  1,552 Cwts.   1,08,750             1.15.500
         Cattle ...                  6,000 Hoad    12.400  6,750 Head    13.500
         Coffee                      2,340 Owls.   1.40.500  •2,0 3S Cwts.   1.37.000
         Cotton goods .               618 B’dies.   1.51.500   700 B'dles.   1.68.000
         Thread and Twist .            107 Cwts.   6,350    140 Cwts.     6,900
         Dates .     .   .          44,600 „     1,26,700               1,22,100
         Drugs and Medicines                       11.100                11,700
         Grain and. Folse           55,000*Cwts.   3.02.500  68,000 Cwts.   3.10.500
         Hides and Skins            15,120 Nos.    24.900   1*714 „      25,870
         Mats •      .                             8,600   3^34 Bodies.   9,800
         oa                                        21,200                22,800
         Pearls ....                            33,31,000              32,07,000
         Provision8 and Oilman-stores              23.400                34,780
         Silk, manufactures of                     25,800                19.500
         Spioes ....                 2,800 Cwta.   59.650   2,214 Cwts.   47,150
         Shark 5ns    ,   ,            140 „       12,000   186 „        13,900
         Sugar ....                  1,620 „       26,100  1*800 „       25,950
         Tobacco .                   3,200 „       44.900       „
         Timber and Wood .                         11.650                43,800
         Wool .       .   •            182 Cwts.   10,090   160 Cwts.    10,850
         Woollen goods ...             42 Bales    12,750                 12,300
         Other articles   .   .   .              1,23,120               1,17,470

                         Total                   46,49,470            45,49,840
                          Specie                 6,14,000              6,58*000

                GBAND TOTAL                      52,63,470            52,05,840
   632   633   634   635   636   637   638   639   640   641   642