Page 640 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                                TABLE No. 24.
                     Return of Principal Article! of Export from the ports on the Aral Coast of the Tertian Gulf
                                               during the year 1889,

                                                           ittt.             m
                                 A an out.
                                                     Quality.           QauUlj,   Vtlts.
                                                                 R                  R
                                                                        6 Horses  S
                     Animals, IIring •   .        !  200 Donkeja   |   14.000 j  250 Donkeys   10,100
                                                                       120 Camels
                                                    100 Camels
                                                     10 Horses
                    Grain and Pulse                 8,857 Cwt*.  25.000   4,018 Cwts.  21,600
                    Jnte, manufactures of            808 Rales   8,500  600 Bales   4,000
                    OU .     ...                    6,357 CVts.  37.600  3,857 Cwto.  80.000
                    Pearls. •                                 40.00,000          60,00.000
                    Prorieions and Oil man-stores               18.000             6,900
                    Shells, molhor-o'-pesri .       4,166 Cwte.   65,OCX)  2,008 Cwts.  25.000
                    Tobacco ...                      600 „      14.000  4S2 „      10.000
                    Woollen goods •                 1,100 Cloaks  17.000   1,600 Clnaka.  J 6,000
                    Other articles •                            47,760            40,320
                                          Totsi               42,36,760          61,62,920
                                           Specie             3,42,000           8,20,000
                                    GRAND TOTAL               45,78,750          54,62,920

                                                TABLE No. 25.
                    Return of Principal Articles of Import into the ports on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf
                                              during the year 1689.
                                                          1889.              lass.
                                                     Quality.  Value.   Quality.  Value.

                                                                 fi                 E
                    Animals (Hones) .                 24       14.400    16        9,000
                    Anns and Ammunition                        43.150             13,900
                    Canvas   •                     666 Cwta,   40.000   4S?Cwts.  30.000
                    Cattle                         5.000 Head   15.000   4.000 Head   12.000
                    Coffee   •                     3.759 Cwts.   ljSo.CWO  3.214 Cwta.  1,40/000
                    Coir and Coir rope.            6,610 ..    44.000  6.000  „   40pen
                    Cotton goods                     800 Bales   2.40.000  709 Bales   2,01/300
                    Thread and Twist .               240 Cwte.  13.000  MOCwta.   13.000
                    Dates '   •   •               UO.OOQ *    2.16.000  1,11,490 „   3,ia;ooo
                    Date joke .                      280 „      9.500  2.570 „    12,100
                    Drags and Medicines                        I6.fi00            16.700
                    Fruits and Vegetables                      60.000             47,200
                    Grain and Pulse .             1,25,000 Cwta.  6.58.000  1.21,330 Cwta.  6.04,000
                    Mats       •                               20,000             16.460
                    Metals   .   .                  1^54 Cwts.   12,000  996*Cwta.   13/500
                     * manufactures el               136 .      9,000   *62 „      7/00
                    OU                                        UOfiO0             MW, 400
                    Pearls                                     40.000             10.000
                    Perfumery  »                               12.000             10^00
                    Pro naans  .                               asoo               37.700
                    Silk                                        7,600              JJDOO
                     H manufactures of             1/400 Pieces   16.003          10,000
                    Bpioes                         2 000 Cwta.   36.000  2,630 Cwta.   SSjOOO
                    Sugar -   .   •                7.600 „    1.36.000  6.117 „   71.600
                    Tallow                         WO „        30.000   803 „     20.000
                    Timber and Wood .                 • si     64.000             31,350
                    Woollen goods                              13.000              6.600
                    Other articles                    • M     2,31,060           1.62,400
                                          Total               23,02,910  • ••    20,44,800
                                          8pecie              15,08,000          17/30,000

                                   GRAND TOTAL                38^0,910           37,44300
   635   636   637   638   639   640   641   642   643   644   645