Page 66 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 66

                                          administration report op the Persian gulp poLmcAt
                                            Abtlraet Table showing the Total Estimated Value of the Principal and other

                                                                         To other
                                                                 To    European or
                                           Abticlbs.           England.  American   To India.  To Jara,
                                                                 Rs.      B.8.     Rs.
                                Cummin   •   %   •                                 12,000
                                Poppy   •                          800              4.700
                                Quince   •                                          3.700
                                Sesame   •   •   •               3,500              4,400
                                Other Eorts   •   «                                 2*000
                               Shark Fins .
                               Shells, Mother-Of-Pearl            1,500
                               Silk, Raw  .                     •                3,31,400
                                „ Manufactures of                                   4,000

                                Capsicum   .    •                • ••                        •••
                                Cardamoms   .   •
                                Cinnamon   •    .
                                Cloves •   «    •
                                Ginger, Dry
                                Nutmegs .   •   •                                            • ••
                                Pepper, Black  •
                                Turmeric •   •   •               Ml
                                Other kinds   •   •
                               SUGAR-CANDT                                                   • ••
                               Sugar, Crushed .
                                 „ Loaf                                                      Ml
                                 „ Soft    •   •
                              Tallow                               300
                              Tea ....
                              Tobacco                              100  2,33,500     600
                              Tobacco, Manufactures of—
                                Cheroots and Cigars .            • ••
                                Snuff «
                                Other sorts  • •                                             •it

                              Timber and Wood—
                                Planks o£ all kinds .
                                Rafters                                             • ••
                              Wax, Bees* .                         300    • ••       250
                              Wool .                                      • ••      4,800    •••

                              Woollen Goods—
                                Broadcloth ....                  Ml       • ••      • ••     • ••
                                Carpets and Rags   ,   ,       1,74,000   73,200   16,200
                                Cloaks (Persian)   .   . ,       •••
                                Shawls .   .    .       .                                    • ••
                                Other kinds .   .   .
                              All other kinds nor included above  5,000    2,000    8,000    • ••

                                                    Total      17,13,600  3,61,000  12,24,100  • ••
                                                                                  4,60,500   • ••
                                                    Specie       f • t    Ml

                                         GRAND TOTAL IU.       17,18,600  8,61,000  10,84,600  •V.
                                                                                            at £oabifS
                                                   N.B.—Th® above details havi been obtained Iron reliable loorcei
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