Page 70 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                                      TABLE No. 5.
                          Coxtrailed Statement showing the Value and Vetcription of Goods Imported into llushire
                                               during the Years 1832 and 1S83.
                                                             Fob tub Y*ab
                                                                             Increoso in  DccrcAie in
                                      Class.                                   1883.
                                                          1882.      1883.              1833.
                                                            Its.       Its.     Rs.      Its.
                          Animals, Living   «   •           5,700       700              5,000
                          Apparel, Wearing   .   .         13,000     11,000    1,000    • ••
                          -Arms and Ammunition .           20,500     30,700   10,200
                          Beads and Amber   .   •           2,000      2,000
                          Binoculars aud Telescopes .                  3,0u0    *3,000   * • •
                          Books and Printed Matter.        11,200     12,000    1,400    • ••
                          Building Materials   .   .       11,000      9,100              1,600
                          Candles ...                      10,000     22,300   1*2,300   • ••
                          Canes and Rattans  .                301)      200                100
                          Cattle ...»                         310       GOO       290
                          Canvas ....                       3,500      2.500              1,000
                          Carriages                         3.500      6,000    2,500    • • •
                          Clock and Watches   .   •  *      7.500      8,100      COO
                          Coal ....                        20,000      6,000             14,000
                          Cocoanuta .   .                   3.000      8,000    5,000    • ••
                          Coffee ...»                      22,800     51.500   2S,700
                          Coir and Coir-rope  .             6,800      7,000      2DO
                          Confectionery Preserves .         7,0U0      8.500    1,500
                          Cotton Goods .                 51,15,500  70,02,500  19,47,000
                             Thread and Twist .            37.500    1,41,000  1,03,500
                          Cotton, Raw ...                  15,0n0     14.000              1,000
                          Dates ....                        5.000     22.000   17,000
                          Date J nice   •   •              11,000     12,000    1,000
                         Drugs and Medicines               53,300     69,700   16,400
                         Dyeing and Coloring Materials      9,900  i   7.000              2,300
                         Earthen-ware .                     1.000  I   1.000
                         Bruits and Vegetables             16,850 I   15,200              1.050
                         Feel ....                         15,700 ‘ :  19,400   3,700
                         Furniture   .   .   .              9.500     11,000    4,500    • ••
                         Glass and Glass-ware .            29.500     64.500   35,300
                         Gold Embroidered Cloth .          18,000     19.000    1,000
                         Gold Lace   .   .   .             15.000  |  21.000    6,000    • ••
                         Gold Thread, &c.                  26.500     80,000   53,500
                         Grain and Pulse .                 98.000    1,23,900  25,900
                         Gum                                            200       200
                         Hardware and Cutlery              1*7,000    22,000    5.000
                         Hides and Skins                    6.000      5,600               400
                         Indigo .                         2,80,000   4,47,700  1,6*7,700
                         Jewellery                         10.000     14.000    4.000    999
                         Jute, Raw                          1,700      1,400    • ••       300
                           „ Manufactures of               44,000     86.000   41,400    • ft
                         Lamp-ware                         • • •      20,000   20,000    • ••
                         Leather, Manufactures of           4.700      7,500    2,800    •••
                         Lemons, Dry .                      7.700      7,700    • • •
                         Lemon Juice .                        620       650       30
                         Liquors, Wines, aud Spirits       64,000     20,000            83,000
                         Lucifers   .                       8,000      8,000
                         Alachineiy   .   .                • ••       10,200   10,200
                         Mats .                            19,400     18,400              1,000
                         Metals .                        21,07,200  25,41,700  4,84,600  • ••
                           if Manufactures of                         25,600   25,600    999
                         Millstones   .   ,                ‘*2,000     2,000    9 99
                         Musical Instrument*               • • •       9.000    0,000    • ••
                         Oil .      .   .                  47,100     62,500    6,400
                         Opium .                           18,000     16,000    ...      2,000
                         Paints and  Colors  .                COO      1.000     400     ...
                         Pearls .   .   .                    600       8,200    2,700
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75